Comment 2 for bug 701527

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bigbrovar (bigbrovar) wrote :

Its been close to 2 weeks since I reported this bug. The least that could have been done is at least someone acknowledges it. I have had to reinstall my system (clean install) from scratch because of this problem to see if something was messed up with my setup. when the problem persist I decided to find time to report a bug.

Reporting bugs, trying to get as much infr I can about the problem is really not a particular past-time of mine. And when I find time to report one the least I would like to get is at least someone acknowledges it. Can it be reproduced on their system? do you want for info on the issue? something. I even had to google and tracked down the maintainer of plasma-widget-menubar and directed him to this report. he said he would look into it and get back to me. Up till now nothing. If I were to go to reddit or blog and rant about how messed up Kubuntu is and how buggy and unstable it has been for me,. I would have gotten more Attention. We are all (users and developers) part of the free software ecosystem. When a user takes his time to report a bug or give a feed back. The least you guys can do is not to make it seems he just wasted his time.