Comment 8 for bug 382094

Revision history for this message
Steve Dodier-Lazaro (sidi) wrote :

Here is the design of the file i'm parsing in my test code :

 app=Application name
 title=Optional title
 Can be on several lines (can't contain "urgency=", "body=", "icon=")
 urgency=Optional, enum { LOW , NORMAL , CRITICAL }
 icon=Optional, either fullpath (/usr/share/.../foo.svg) or icon name in the theme (foo)
 body=Optional body
 Of course, can be on several lines (but can't contain "date=" ...)

These restrictions sound fair enough to avoid having unparseable notifications, and I think it remains decently readable for humans. If you're ok with it, I'll write the needed changes in notify-osd. Do you mind if I leave it to you to implement a call for an image path when not available ? (it could return "gtk-missing-image" when there was an image but it fails to provide it : pixbuf case).