Comment 2 for bug 1792957

Revision history for this message
Breno Leitão (breno-leitao) wrote :

Hi Joseph,

> I built a test kernel with the requested commit.
> The test kernel can be downloaded from:
> Can you test this kernel and see if it resolves this bug?

I tested this kernel in the following scenarios:

 - Booted the host on a P9 machine and started an 18.04 guest using the default parameters.
 - Removed the kvm_hv module and reinstalled it using the 'one_vm_per_core' parameter, shut down the 18.04 guest and restarted it.

➜ ~ sudo virsh destroy breno-1804
➜ ~ sudo rmmod kvm_hv
➜ ~ sudo modprobe kvm_hv one_vm_per_core=1
➜ ~ sudo virsh start --console breno-1804

On both guests I ran sysbench, as:

breno@ubuntu:~$ sysbench --threads=16 cpu run
sysbench 1.0.11 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)

Running the test with following options:

breno@ubuntu:~$ sysbench --threads=16 cpu run
   Number of threads: 16
   Initializing random number generator from current time
   Prime numbers limit: 10000
   Initializing worker threads...
   Threads started!

   CPU speed:
       events per second: 33648.49

Everything worked fine. I think this patch is good to get accepted.