Comment 83 for bug 1314556

Revision history for this message
Dan Coffey (tech-netharmonix) wrote :

MTP access is broken

Galaxy Note 7 (6.0.1) with 256GB card connected to Kubuntu 16.04 with kernel 4.7.2, same with S5 with 64GB card and S3
Phones are set to developer mode
USB set to File Transfer
Amarok is not installed.
Dolphin will connect, but it's intermittent.
If a connection is made it will fail when accessing files or transferring files.
I've tried Konqueror and Krusader same intermittent behavior.
No reliable access on Kubuntu/Ubuntu

VirtualBox on Kubuntu 16.04 running Windows 7 does supply reliable access

Why is this such a problem on Ubuntu, it's been years and no fix
What do it take to fix this, I think there are enough developers out there that a focused effort could be launched to resolve this problem.

mtp-detect | grep idVendor
Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP).
LIBMTP ERROR: couldnt parse extension
Error 1: Get Storage information failed.
It's embarrassing that I have to use Windows to access a Linux based phone.