Comment 11 for bug 963731

Revision history for this message
Justin Meyer (jbmeyer) wrote :

Currently, selecting System Settings -> Displays on systems with multiple monitors and the NVidia drivers produces an error dialog that says "RANDR extension is not present" - as a result, at least one of my users is unable even to access the sticky edge setting (they worked around it via CCSM, but that's not a path to resolution that I'd want to generally encourage).

Between this being NVidia specific and the addition of XRandR support to 304 drivers and later, I'm not filing a bug for that, but just as Chris Schmidt suggested earlier, I first looked for the setting under Appearance > Behavior.

I can understand the the reasoning for locating the options in one place or another, but I do find it bothersome that an error related to the display specifically should prevent access to other settings that aren't actually dependent on a display-level feature.