Comment 9 for bug 982924

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote :

(21時26分18秒) nobuto: I worked on it as branch, and now it loads translation of the title of the dialogue. but it does not load translations of the description.
(21時27分02秒) nobuto: but removing line break of the description makes loading the translation.
(21時27分32秒) nobuto: Is it OK just removing line break to fix this bug on the short-term basis?
(21時29分01秒) dpm: let me have a look...
(21時45分33秒) dpm: nobuto, I think it should be fine to remove the line break, but I'd double-check with kelemengabor, as he's got more experience in internationalizing such Debian files. Or another good place to ask might be on the #debian-i18n channel on the OFTC network
(21時50分30秒) nobuto: dpm: thanks. I'm not so sure, but update-notifier seems handling translations by itself.
(21時51分22秒) kelemengabor: dpm: nobuto: I think it is okay. the problem is that update-notifier does not entirely work according to the spec, while intltool does. but we have only a few such notes, so fixing those could be an easier way.
(21時52分39秒) dpm: nobuto, kelemengabor, it might be worth filing a bug against update-notifier specifying the way it should work, and as a workaround until it's fixed, then remove the line breaks of the description
(21時54分52秒) nobuto: dpm: kelemengabor: OK. I will report it as a bug of update-notifier and see how it works for a week. Until then it's not fixed, I will make a merge propossal to ecryptfs-utils with removing the line breaks.