Comment 8 for bug 1849375

Revision history for this message
Robert Allred (balinbob) wrote :

It would be nice to see this project progress, especially now to move fully to Python 3 and GTK+ 3.

I would like to encourage Chris and Stephen to put in at least some comment on the issue, if not
more input.

Encouraged to see Egmont and MattRose having some involvement.

To me, a lot of these issues depend on the former maintainers approving the go-ahead, else a
fork to Github, and possibly a change in name if we decide not to continue with a Release 2.0.
(My pref is a Terminator 2.0.)

I have an interest especially in the config system. The config system works well, But I do not
care for the current level of difficulty in modifying the config via the Preferences interface, and
wonder if this affects anyone else. Possibly just a few modifications to the Preferences interface
could achieve on-the-fly updates to the terminal, which most do use now.

Maybe another question would be whether the next release should be a simple port to Python 3
and Gtk+ 3, or a full go-ahead into these new areas? IMO, moving away from the dying
dependencies might be the main goal (not a complete rewrite into the new forms.)