Comment 8 for bug 698736

Revision history for this message
Gag (renaud-gaglione) wrote :

After playong a little with above patch, I have tried to write a complement, wich suits better to my needs, ie to give some parameters to a geda symbol, which is linked to a .subckt file, whith an attribute called param. I do not want to use value, because I am using value for BOM, and and try to have the same schematic for simulation and for PCB...

In gnet-spice-sdb.scm, in write-ic function, just add the lines between ";;;;;; mod ;;;;;". Sorry, but I do not know now how tu use diff and generate proper patch...

 ;; ---- file holds a subcircuit ----
       ((string=? file-type ".SUBCKT")
   (debug-spew (string-append "Found .SUBCKT with model-file and model-name for " package "\n"))
                 (spice-sdb:write-prefix package "X" port) ;; this prepends an "X" to the refdes if needed, since we have a .subckt
                 (spice-sdb:write-component-no-value package port)
 ;; (display (string-append model-name "\n" ) port)
                (display (string-append model-name " " ) port)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mod RG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    (let ((value (gnetlist:get-package-attribute package "param")))
        (if (not (string=? value "param"))
  (display (string-append value "\n" ) port))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end mod RG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;