Comment 6 for bug 677074

Revision history for this message
Thomas Berezansky (tsbere) wrote :

On "manual ordering", I assume by virtue of specifying a value for each row, and then using that for ordering (once rows are eliminated from conditions).

Is there a desire for an additional "weight adjustment" column? Combined with the provided "all equal" weight set you could (with proper values) effectively manually order rows.

I would likely implement it as a "take the weighting and add the adjustment value", which should allow for saying a given rule is much more (or less) important than others as long as it matches. Likely on the same scale as the existing weightings. Thus, a rule could be considered excessively important by giving it a very large weight adjustment value, ensuring it will come first whenever it matches.

And take note that this patch will not be implementing the fall through, but the fall through will be built upon this later.

Any thoughts?