
Last commit made on 2023-02-20
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Branch merges

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Recent commits

4361758... by CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.0+23.04.20230220-0ubuntu1

fb5d775... by Rudra Saraswat

Make Unity 7.7 changes

4ef1246... by Rudra Saraswat

remove build dep on webkit

a5d470a... by Rudra Saraswat

set item view background without string-parsing

de168d9... by Rudra Saraswat

Make Unity 7.7 changes

9c70613... by CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.0+22.10.20220916.1-0ubuntu1

25110f2... by Rudra Saraswat

Switch UnityLogo.png text color to a readable shade of grey for both dark and light themes

80dc5d7... by Rudra Saraswat

change UnityLogo.png text color to a readable shade of grey for both dark and light themes

89d9ee6... by CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 15.04.0+22.10.20220903.2-0ubuntu1

ecddf5c... by Rudra Saraswat

merge changelog entries