Publishing details


salt-formula-gnocchi (2018.1+201811151526.053893c~xenial1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [053893c] Merge "Adjust Gnocchi formula granularity"
  * [46471ba] Merge "Update Gemfile and Makefile configuration   - One Gemfile for all formulas tests   - Update Makefile for OpenStack tests"

  [ Mykyta Karpin ]
  * [5196561] Adjust Gnocchi formula granularity

  [ Dmitry Kalashnik ]
  * [a3bd9d0] Use different pos files for gnocchi services

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [0072697] Update Gemfile and Makefile configuration   - One Gemfile for all formulas tests   - Update Makefile for OpenStack tests
  * [3911cd2] Freeze inspec version for salt-formulas tests 	- in inspec >= 3.0.0 there are changes in schema 	  which require to have tests/integration dir 	  to contain tests, otherwise fails 	- this is temporary workaround until we decide 	  proper fix

  [ Oleksandr Bryndzii ]
  * [29865f5] Implement gnocchi memcache security strategy
  * [7a922ef] Update gnocchi config file permissions

  [ Oleksii Grudev ]
  * [5ad3508] Set default cacert file if not defined

  [ Michal Kobus ]
  * [d3ebf88] Enable CORS

  [ Oleksandr Shyshko ]
  * [0cb9d45] Implement X.509 auth for MySQL and Gnocchi
  * [6268d99] Tests for salt 2016.3 excluded from kitchen.

  [ mcp-jenkins ]
  * [d2048b8] Merge "Fix Python version for Travis CI tests"

  [ Mykyta Karpin ]
  * [fbefb70] Fix keystoneauth adapter for Queens

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [b2f6545] Merge "Add service class for gnocchi client"

  [ sgarbuz ]
  * [4c7c5e3] Add support loggin configuration for gnocchi

  [ Oleksii Grudev ]
  * [bc1a11a] Add service class for gnocchi client

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [dc36643] Fix Python version for Travis CI tests

  [ Mykyta Karpin ]
  * [fa53b30] Add module and states for gnocchi
  * [0c7dffc] [QUEENS] Fix cacert file
  * [5ce0b61] Gnocchi 4.2 release
  * [099f0c9] Fix sphinx docs generation
  * [e11f1d3] Set auth_type to password
  * [5b0bf7d] Remove cache configuration from service level
  * [c5ae34c] Make setting enable_proxy_headers_parsing optional
  * [d14beab] Fix sphinx
  * [4f30fff] Update

  [ Jenkins ]

 -- Jenkins <email address hidden>  Thu, 15 Nov 2018 15:27:01 +0000

Available diffs


Package files