Publishing details


salt-formula-galera (1.0+201811151354.c50ffc7~xenial1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [c50ffc7] Rework logic for setting threads in my.cnf
  * [77fe641] Merge "Fix endif position introduced by bootstrap flag"

  [ mcp-jenkins ]
  * [c7c7ab5] Merge "Update Gemfile and Makefile configuration   - One Gemfile for all formulas tests   - Update Makefile for OpenStack tests"

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [69373d0] Fix endif position introduced by bootstrap flag
  * [6d78659] Set threads based on number of cpus

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [c3c437a] Update Gemfile and Makefile configuration   - One Gemfile for all formulas tests   - Update Makefile for OpenStack tests

  [ Dzmitry Stremkouski ]
  * [9aa7108] Adding an ability to set target for mysql user grant.

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [176ac2e] Merge "Add fluentd configuration for MySQL error.log"
  * [f2c0e9f] Freeze inspec version for salt-formulas tests 	- in inspec >= 3.0.0 there are changes in schema 	  which require to have tests/integration dir 	  to contain tests, otherwise fails 	- this is temporary workaround until we decide 	  proper fix

  [ Dzmitry Stremkouski ]
  * [f8433bf] Adding an ability to set ciphers for galera
  * [fd31960] Fixing galera cluster size = 1 restart issue. Galera should start normaly after reboot

  [ Michal Kobus ]
  * [6a33c42] Add fluentd configuration for MySQL error.log

  [ Oleksandr Bryndzii ]
  * [e6245c5] Change galera bootstrap scripts files permissions

  [ Dzmitry Stremkouski ]
  * [66fa4ec] Fix for galera bootstrap flag location.

  [ OlgaGusarenko ]
  * [43e9990] README update

  [ Mateusz Matuszkowiak ]
  * [0257914] Updated Galera (MySQL) dashboard to align with recent rules

  [ Dmitry Kalashnik ]
  * [6e126c8] Make graphs not stacked.

  [ Mateusz Matuszkowiak ]
  * [025e02e] Dashboard rationalization for Galera (MySQL)

  [ Michal Kobus ]
  * [4c5d79c] Cosmetic changes for alerts

  [ Ondrej Smola ]
  * [7ccc418] Merge "Rename deprecated/unsupported options in my.cnf.pre"

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [0268a87] Merge "Add Salt 2018.3 tests"

  [ Mateusz Matuszkowiak ]
  * [cb2bb07] Alerts rationalization for Galera

  [ Ivan Suzdal ]
  * [16883e1] Rename deprecated/unsupported options in my.cnf.pre

  [ Dzmitry Stremkouski ]
  * [585ed4b] Splitting slave/master roles for ssl

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [d137f30] Add Salt 2018.3 tests

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [bafff1b] Add initial pillar for single node deployment

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * [2c57289] Add configuration options for my.cnf

  [ mcp-jenkins ]
  * [3fcc0c5] Merge "Use new image for kitchen tests"

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [664b13c] Use new image for kitchen tests

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [11134da] Update Makefile

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * [31b91b0] check for sst_in_progress

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * [a71c890] Merge pull request #28 from salt-formulas/feature/tunne_bootstrapscrips

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [6754194] wait 10s on attempts for init_bootstrap
  * [689f9b7] wait 10s between attempts
  * [d73be0e] Merge branch 'master' into feature/tunne_bootstrapscrips
  * [35c3af8] use bash in init_bootstrap
  * [bc91ebf] use bash

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * [3325458] Merge "Change query for mysql cluster size"

  [ Ildar Svetlov ]
  * [759f623] Change query for mysql cluster size

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * [b9539d6] Fixed shebang kernel limitation with virtualenv during test run (

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [79f6906] Allow to set SSL options for mysql user

  [ Oleh Hryhorov ]
  * [e1ef555] Rename deprecated function

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [2d9a03f] Fix collectd and telegraf check for galera
  * [812de58] Fix kitchen CI

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * [2918fb0] Merge "Remove salt-master, reclass from pkg dependencis"

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [b2e1b7e] Remove salt-master, reclass from pkg dependencis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [f21f158] Optimize kitchen tests for Travis CI

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * [d5d0984] Ensure permissions are correct for mysql dirs
  * [c0a5071] Remove separate galera.ssl state

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * [8cca9cc] Fixed typo in file

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [5ff575c] Version specified on pillar

  [ Petr Jediný ]
  * [e532e23] Merge pull request #40 from salt-formulas/revert-bumpto57-2

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [ad64389] Fix repository url/pinning
  * [c85c6a8] Revert "Merge pull request #38 from Lirt/fix/broken-mysql-dependency/#35"
  * [73fe802] Merge pull request #38 from Lirt/fix/broken-mysql-dependency/#35

  [ Ondrej Vasko ]
  * [1879a9a] Bump mysql wsrep repository and packages to 5.7. #35
  * [abe03d2] Add KEY_ID and server for mitaka-staging test repository
  * [410a36b] Split test repository for galera to match upstream

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [13c9ec7] Merge "Add prometheus main dashboard"
  * [4c9a4fe] Add prometheus main dashboard

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [e3adc7b] Merge pull request #30 from salt-formulas/pr/27
  * [ea86811] Merge branch 'master' into pr/27

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * [5f0c1d6] Galera cluster TLS Support

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * [d5b0e50] mysql service not stopped fix and galera not clustered fix

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [e950ac4] Merge pull request #34 from cyplenochek/master
  * [6a8d6b9] Update .kitchen.travis.yml

  [ System Administrator ]
  * [8113b4e] solve problem 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [2674d08] fix typo
  * [c5ca6e8] Merge branch 'master' into pr/27

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [97b56a4] Merge "Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing"

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * [d550db7] Merge "Fix galera.master and galera.slave enabling"

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [c1b1000] Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * [7f1bbaa] Merge "Add new soft parameters"

  [ Dmitry Kalashnik ]
  * [d4e5f47] Add new soft parameters

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [d283af1] fix missing database.users on pillar
  * [c721ed0] fix, tests

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * [bab256c] adding socket to my.cnf

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * [7e32ac3] Fix galera.master and galera.slave enabling

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [518b834] Merge branch 'master' into pr/27

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * [0971787] Fix galera service enabling condition

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [7a2010e] Fix typo with the buffer_pool_size parameter
  * [0b8359e] Add alert on mysql_up metric

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * [162a4d4] Make innodb_buffer_pool_size configurable

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [5f8fa8f] Merge "Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta"

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * [5542574] Update to the latest revision

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [a36aca6] Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [10e3fbd] Merge branch 'master' into pr/27

  [ Dmitry Stremkovskiy ]
  * [954ef6f] Fixing galera bootstrap hang caused by incorrect mysql shutdown command called by service.dead state: systemd-run --scope systemctl stop mysql.service

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [3dc81cf] Merge pull request #31 from Martin819/master

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [cad6ed4] Optimize 'noservices' condition

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [e90dd85] Add Prometheus alerts
  * [feaf851] Exclude 'server' tag from metrics
  * [98558f6] Add Grafana dashboard for Prometheus
  * [b4595b9] Add support for Telegraf

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [186204b] Merge "Change mysql-wsrep package"

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [89c8c3f] add clustercheck script (avoid splitbrain)

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [a8b2992] Merge pull request #29 from tgerdes/systemd-service-override

  [ Thom Gerdes ]
  * [8cce8e7] Fix case of systemd [Service] unit

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [e8d39b6] Tunne bootstrap scripts

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [7da817e] Merge "Raise open_files_limit for mysql"

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [bca6ffa] Additional users

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [746f828] Merge pull request #24 from Martin819/master

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [8933a6c] Added Kitchen tests and travis

  [ Jan Cach ]
  * [36c3a68] Raise open_files_limit for mysql

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * [3ac6df7] restore fix

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [119cbd1] Merge pull request #25 from teoyaomiqui/patch-1

  [ teoyaomiqui ]
  * [4042321] PROD-10495 Fixing file match for correct targeting

  [ Marek Celoud ]
  * [8388312] Change mysql-wsrep package

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [325665b] Remove libmysqlclient18 from package requirements

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [2b501f1] Increase sleep interval in the bootstrap script

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [6fc8bd4] [WIP] Fixes for MCP1.0 galera
  * [8d1060a] Galera master installation hangs

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [5b356a7] Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * [9e43e6c] Merge pull request #23 from thouveng/build-main-dashboard

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * [489a660] Provide grains for building the main dashboard

  [ pasquier-s ]
  * [bd8adba] Merge pull request #22 from tcpcloud/disable-sensu

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [5a2c7f7] disable sensu, meta/sensu.yml is missing

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * [a4fa605] Merge pull request #21 from elemoine/alarms
  * [fa4430f] Split the mysql alarm cluster

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [f2c86c8] Merge pull request #20 from tcpcloud/ulimit

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [e06a318] Fix mysql with adding ulimit -n 102400

  [ pasquier-s ]
  * [70fe4ae] Merge pull request #19 from simonpasquier/fix-cluster-policy

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [a3fc756] Change cluster policy to availability_of_members

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [82f203e] Merge pull request #18 from tcpcloud/stacklight

  [ thouveng ]
  * [157bf84] Merge pull request #16 from thouveng/use-new-grafana-convention

  [ pasquier-s ]
  * [f732862] Merge pull request #17 from simonpasquier/stacklight

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [8c8ca5f] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into stacklight

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * [9c6aa92] Put Grafana dashboards into their own directory

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * [f005f08] Merge pull request #15 from elemoine/stacklight-alarm
  * [75fab14] Add alarms and alarm clusters
  * [fa241ff] Merge pull request #14 from thouveng/add-missing-json

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * [789cfe7] Add missing JSON format for dashboard

  [ thouveng ]
  * [9d842eb] Merge pull request #12 from thouveng/fix-dash

  [ pasquier-s ]
  * [f5150ac] Merge pull request #13 from simonpasquier/add-log-support

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [07f0942] Add support for log_collector

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * [38ffa2a] Fix the name of the Grafana dashboard

  [ thouveng ]
  * [2fda834] Merge pull request #11 from thouveng/add-grafana-support

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * [4fd1ae8] Add support for Grafana

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * [c75ba39] Merge pull request #10 from tcpcloud/feature/salt-orchestrate

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * [12e9b90] Orchestration metadata and states

  [ pasquier-s ]
  * [51cecf0] Merge pull request #9 from simonpasquier/add-collectd-support

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * [a9c7114] Add collectd support

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [bbfc9e6] Merge pull request #7 from tcpcloud/mos_compat

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * [5d5e734] MOS packages fix

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [4bca6a3] Merge pull request #5 from tcpcloud/configmap

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * [0647d43] galera configmap support
  * [2a8cc4a] Merge pull request #2 from LotharKAtt/master

  [ Jenkins ]

 -- Jenkins <email address hidden>  Thu, 15 Nov 2018 13:55:05 +0000

Available diffs


Package files