Publishing details


salt-formula-dovecot (0.1+201807160948.e026fb1~xenial1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [e026fb1] Fix Python version for Travis CI tests

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [a9a30b8] Merge "Add Salt 2018.3 tests"

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [afcd372] Add Salt 2018.3 tests

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [9de374a] Update metadata.yml with correct URL
  * [e8fd179] Merge "Use new image for kitchen tests"

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [1298c5e] Use new image for kitchen tests

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [5770d80] Update Makefile

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * [e3d3046] Fixed shebang kernel limitation with virtualenv during test run (

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [61b56e9] Merge "Remove salt-master, reclass from pkg dependencis"

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * [8d52d5c] Merge "Optimize kitchen tests for Travis CI"
  * [a3f20d9] Remove salt-master, reclass from pkg dependencis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [c0287b8] Optimize kitchen tests for Travis CI

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * [44c4c2a] Fixed typo in file

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [106e517] Merge "Update to the latest revision"

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * [ea3ba93] Update to the latest revision

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [56412e3] Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * [4273074] Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [215505c] Merge pull request #2 from Martin819/master

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [359b1f4] Optimize 'noservices' condition

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [6fd64d7] Merge pull request #1 from Martin819/master

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * [f64ca7e] Added cron package

  [ Martin819 ]
  * [7a9c906] Added Kitchen tests and Travis

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [dd35058] Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * [9016215] Allow using custom SSL key/cert files
  * [eef63a0] Fix source dependency parsing
  * [baf6e0a] Add missing Makefile
  * [52032e8] Fix tests dependency fetch
  * [dfe6674] Add salt-master into build depends
  * [07457ce] Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * [d8872f0] Add iptables support

  [ vmikes ]
  * [a3ceb30] change warning/critical parameters
  * [af80ff5] update occurences

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [2b2b20c] Fix check name
  * [165fdb0] Include support

  [ vmikes ]
  * [eadf493] add remote imap server check

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [7edefc1] Fix typo
  * [1a5a905] Experimental support for GSSAPI and LDAP
  * [65a325a] Fix trailing comma in sql command
  * [aa7b720] Add tests
  * [6d625f4] Director setup in separate instance
  * [e2f8f6e] Director support for LMTP
  * [964a3e4] Allow plaintext auth if ssl is not enabled
  * [c253561] Fix disabled ssl
  * [5b4f2e0] Basic director setup

  [ Alena Holanova ]
  * [d912dc5] Add support metadata

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * [f2bb586] Support for setting index location
  * [4f7ed2d] Support for expunging junk and trash
  * [093e106] Fix default sieve to be executed after user one
  * [6685941] Fix managesieve-login
  * [45da639] Enable sieve protocol
  * [1344355] Fix service name map
  * [5556fd3] Compile sieve
  * [8e0cad3] Fix sieve location
  * [efb6416] Fix typo
  * [74c9393] Sieve support
  * [d1c64c1] Get full maildir path
  * [0787cee] Install missing packages and get user maildir
  * [f19e64d] Try to support quotas
  * [2f08256] Support for lmtp
  * [bccc0dc] Fix typo
  * [72c72d0] Define template
  * [a6634df] Support for SSL key/cert/chain deploy
  * [d964502] Fix control, copyright link

  [ Jenkins ]

 -- Jenkins <email address hidden>  Mon, 16 Jul 2018 09:48:14 +0000

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files