Publishing details


salt-formula-billometer (0.2+201803071057.5c1ce22~xenial1) xenial; urgency=medium

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * Initial commit
  * requirements
  * overhaul
  * core dir for setup
  * Fixes to blue
  * rest framework
  * requirements fix
  * fixes
  * openstack auth
  * REST API settings
  * openstack auth
  * gunicorn
  * gunicorn server
  * billometer server
  * docfix
  * billometer cleanup
  * user auth
  * fix settings
  * admin auth
  * billometer heartbeat
  * fix
  * packages
  * python versions
  * app
  * settings fix
  * fixes
  * fix
  * cleanups
  * fixes
  * fixes celery
  * log file must exist
  * graphite endpoint
  * graphite
  * collect nova
  * fix graphite proto
  * settings
  * sync cinder
  * fix
  * just sync all
  * requirements
  * requirements
  * settings default prices
  * glance image 2kc/730h
  * fixes
  * allowed hosts
  * new prices
  * . fix
  * mail settings
  * supervisor config
  * apache conf
  * supervisor readme
  * Community structure
  * fix param
  * fix
  * hackfix
  * bind all
  * better fixes
  * debian packaging

  [ Michael ]
  * Initial commit
  * add django rest framework
  * some changes
  * fix path
  * fix sample pillar

  [ Michael Kutý ]
  * new versions of clients
  * added python-psycopg2 as server pkg
  * billing config
  * key fix
  * switch to python object config
  * register celery - raven signal
  * added source from pkg implementation
  * moved settings to files
  * syntax fixes
  * cleanup celery conf and added monitor role to supervisor
  * syntax fix
  * allow events from celery worker and add monitor role to service meta
  * backend cleanup task
  * cleanup and migrate to 1.8
  * fix monitor name
  * fix white spaces
  * fix
  * variable metric endpoints
  * collect price task
  * extra resources and config location to /etc/bil..
  * add ability to configure resource prices via reclass
  * fixes
  * fix billometer context
  * fix
  * last fix paths in pkg setup
  * fix sh script
  * cleanup celerycam
  * fix supervisor workers
  * fix celery config path
  * fix id
  * chahnge log paths to unix standard
  * Add development meta.
  * Parametrize root paths.
  * Remove billometer monitor role from default setup.
  * Switch default development source.
  * Freeze version of nova client, because v1_1 was removed.
  * Use pkg latest for easy upgrading.
  * cmd.wait ->

  [ Michael Kuty ]
  * privileges fix
  * settings
  * tasks
  * sentry logging
  * celery params
  * statsd metric
  * logger -> logging
  * port
  * fix
  * statsd port as default
  * fix number
  * statsd lib
  * added default broker
  * Revert "added default broker"
  * fix search & replace
  * fix param name
  * update South version
  * django extensions new version
  * django extensions in the installed apps tuple
  * bill log file
  * AllowAny for projects update

  [ vmikes ]
  * test check
  * fix
  * fixes
  * fix
  * damm
  * fixes
  * update
  * fix
  * add checks
  * fix
  * wrong name
  * add bill_host, update occurrences
  * type: metric

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * fix missing raven

  [ Alena Holanova ]
  * Add support metadata

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * Add salt-master into build depends
  * Add missing Makefile
  * Add metadata.yml
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Update Makefile

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * Remove salt-master, reclass from pkg dependencis

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Ales Komarek <email address hidden>  Wed, 07 Mar 2018 10:57:35 +0000

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files