Publishing details


salt-formula-cinder (2016.12.1+201803061901.00bd557-1trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * Improve alarm descriptions
  * Handle "disabled" in cinder_volume alarms

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Fix Cinder commands
  * Harmonize notification configuration
  * Allow to configure the pagination
  * Add multi-region support to collectd plugins
  * Add availability zone tag to the Grafana dashboard
  * Disable Sensu support by default
  * Add alerts on log metrics
  * Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta
  * Collect API logs when Cinder runs in Apache

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * Remove the usage of down and disabled together
  * Provide grains for building the main dashboard
  * Set a default Region
  * Add service level information for Grafana dashboard

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * add-iscsi-drivers-hplefthand
  * fix liberty_auth_uri
  * missing_space_if_multiple_backends

  [ Ondrej Smola ]
  * added cinder ldev range for hitashi vsp storage
  * added support for cinder-backup service
  * enable support for cors params
  * added public endpoint parameter to mitaka config
  * added parameter with HTTP headers used to determine the protocol scheme behind nginx proxy

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Remove .gitreview
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Depend on salt-formula-keystone
  * Update Makefile

  [ Paul Mathews ]
  * Use pymysql db driver in liberty Closes-bug: RIL-406

  [ Michel Nederlof ]
  * Integrate configurable availability zones
  * Adding availability zone documentation
  * Add discard support for ceph backends
  * Add ceph backend option to report discard support

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Enables pagination for Cinder
  * Fix for differentiating no data vs 0s
  * Fix title and missing parts of Cinder dashboard
  * Fix cinder/meta/*.yml for the CI
  * Add API Performances panels to Prometheus dashboard
  * Fix typo
  * Fix alerts
  * Add missing local API down alert

  [ Alexander Noskov ]
  * Add possibility to specify osapi_volume_base_URL and public_endpoint
  * Add host parameter for backends
  * Add Cinder Block Device driver backend (#18)
  * Remove storage_availability_zone from backend section

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * parametrize endpoints
  * cinder NFS
  * nfs multi backend support
  * cinder single local
  * cinder client

  [ Andrey Ostapenko ]
  * Add auth version to auth_uri for SAML intergration
  * [RIL-1032] Allow 'bootable' query

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * Improvements for Newton release
  * Fix tranport url for rabbitmq
  * Introduce Ocata release for Cinder
  * fix netapp compute side. Do not introduce new role for package
  * Remove deprecated cinder engine and type definitions
  * Pike config files

  [ Martin819 ]
  * Added Kitchen tests and Travis
  * show 'make test' errors in Travis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Update .travis.yml and notififcations
  * Removed fujitsu backend engine testing
  * Test each suite separately
  * Fix lefthand volume packages
  * Optimize 'noservices' condition
  * Simplify 'noservices' condition
  * Add API availability alert for Prometheus
  * Add Grafana dashboard for Prometheus
  * Add http_response input for endpoint
  * Update expected code for http_response
  * Move suites definition from .travis.yml to .kitchen.yml
  * Add Alerts to cinder-volume and cinder-scheduler
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * Add prometheus main dashboard
  * Optimize kitchen tests for Travis CI
  * Use new image for kitchen tests

  [ Lukáš Kubín ]
  * Parameterize option rbd_flatten_volume_from_snapshot.
  * Fixing 'volume' path used instead of 'controller'
  * Changing parameter value to boolean type.

  [ Andrii Ostapenko ]
  * Allow to specify custom volumes query filters

  [ Damian Szeluga ]
  * Add AZ fallback

  [ Dmitry Ukov ]
  * Policy.json should be defined by user

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * Policy grain

  [ Alexey Chekunov ]
  * NetApp backend support

  [ Dmitriy Stremkovskiy ]
  * Fixing detached cinder-volume role
  * Minor changes proposed by Tomas Kukral
  * Unhardcode backend_host variable

  [ Dmitry Kalashnik ]
  * Enable support for telegraf
  * Fix data format for size panels
  * Add threshold to cinder services alerts
  * Enable logging.conf & fluentd for cinder
  * Align alerts and grafana dashboard with fluentd
  * Enable apache conf for cinder-wsgi
  * Enable eventletwsgi logger with INFO severity
  * Fix wrong cinder controller usage in volume state

  [ Dmitry Stremkovskiy ]
  * Unhardcode service user/group uid/gid values Warn to not change cinder uid/gid values after user is created
  * Fixing issue with dual-role hash like:
  * Adding ability to set nas_secure_file_permissions and nas_secure_file_operations options
  * Adding ability to configure cinder_internal_tenant_project_id and cinder_internal_tenant_user_id options

  [ stelucz ]
  * Parametrize enable_force_upload option introduced in Liberty release.
  * fix missing option in conf files
  * add enable_force_upload to sample pillars

  [ Pavel Cizinsky ]
  * parametrized rbd_ceph_conf conf

  [ Mykyta Karpin ]
  * Add ability to choose OS version in tests

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * RabbitMQ TLS support
  * MySQL TLS support
  * [tls] Make a cert SLS IDs globally unique
  * OpenStack HTTPS Endpoints support

  [ Dmitry Stremkouski ]
  * netapp backend should have ability to set nas_secure_file_operations and nas_secure_file_permissions.

  [ Denis V. Meltsaykin ]
  * Use cinderng module in controller.sls

  [ Ildar Svetlov ]
  * Alignment Cinder Grafana dashboard

  [ Oleg Iurchenko ]
  * Add Barbican integration
  * Change sync db order and add retries for cinder client
  * Add keystone API versioning support

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * Add pike symlink to ocata
  * Refactor map file to import role data only
  * Ensure ssl files are created
  * Add salt module dependencies into meta/salt.yml
  * Install cinderclient on controllers
  * Deprecate using informula wsgi config.

  [ Oleh Hryhorov ]
  * Adjusting cinder salt-formula for pike
  * Deleting deprecated function and switch test to 2017.7

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * Fixed typo in file
  * Fixed shebang kernel limitation with virtualenv during test run (

  [ Oleksii Chupryn ]
  * Add support of OSSysLogHandler logging handler

  [ Mateusz Matuszkowiak ]
  * Use 'openstack' in Grafana dashboard tags
  * Fix for setting proper programname field
  * Restore double * for openstack.cinder tag

  [ Benjamin Drung ]
  * Support Python 3

  [ sergio ]
  * Modify SolidFire backend configuration template

  [ Vladimir Khlyunev ]
  * Do not override DAEMON_ARGS through /etc/default files

  [ vgusev ]
  * Add kitchen tests for logging

  [ Max ]
  * Add NFS backend configuration option in salt-formulas/cinder project.

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Éric Lemoine <email address hidden>  Tue, 06 Mar 2018 19:01:31 +0000

Available diffs


Package files