Publishing details


salt-formula-glance (2016.12.1+201803061644.2c9c042-1trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Enable notifications for glance-registry
  * Support dict values for the notification parameter
  * Allow to configure the pagination parameters
  * Add multi-region support to collectd plugins
  * Disable Sensu support by default
  * Add alerts on log metrics
  * Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta
  * Add API Performances panels to Prometheus dashboard

  [ Taylor May ]
  * Comment out several lines of example backend configuration in glance-api.conf Closes-Bug: 1654704 Change-Id: I0c2858a71271ef7152a8a857221e7ed995bc8cf4

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * Cleanup + extend tests/pillars
  * Add kitchen + travis

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * Provide grains for building the main dashboard

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Remove .gitreview
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Depend on salt-formula-keystone
  * Update Makefile

  [ Richard Felkl ]
  * Introduce glance client role

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * Update README.rst

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Enables pagination for Glance
  * Fix for differentiating no data vs 0s
  * Add Prometheus alert for API availability
  * Add Grafana dashboard with Prometheus datasource
  * Fix missing graphTooltip option
  * Fix glance/meta/prometheus.yml for the CI
  * Fix alerts
  * Fix glance-registry API HTTP return code

  [ Jiri Broulik ]
  * location of custom states changed
  * parametrize endpoints

  [ mnederlof ]
  * Allow ability to use image cache (#5)

  [ RobertJansen1 ]
  * swift as glance backend (#2)

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * Introduce Newton release for Glance
  * Glance glare package installation
  * Introduce Ocata release for Glance
  * fix ocata for glance glare
  * Pike Configuration files

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Update Travis settings
  * Add http_response input for endpoint
  * Update expected code for http_response
  * Allow Travis CI to run parallel tests
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * Add glance-registry alert
  * Fix glance-registry host address
  * Add prometheus main dashboard
  * Optimize kitchen tests for Travis CI
  * Use new image for kitchen tests

  [ Ondrej Smola ]
  * enable support for cors params

  [ Michel Nederlof ]
  * Adding support for (multiple) swift backends (#7)
  * Add support for showing / returing multiple locations (#8)

  [ Anton Arefiev ]
  * Load the metadata definitions into database

  [ Dmitry Ukov ]
  * Policy.json should be defined by user

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * Policy grain

  [ Thom Gerdes ]
  * Fix transport url for clustered rabbitmq

  [ Dmitry Kalashnik ]
  * Enable support for telegraf
  * Enable v1 api for newton
  * Enable logging.conf & fluentd for glance
  * Fix typo in default file template
  * Align alerts and grafana dashboard with fluentd

  [ Dmitry Stremkovskiy ]
  * Managing filesystem_store_datadir variable
  * Managing show_image_direct_url variable
  * Managing filesystem_store_metadata_file variable
  * Unhardcode glance user/group uid/gid values Warn to not change glance uid/gid values after user is created
  * Fixing filesystem_store_metadata.json generator

  [ Dmitriy Stremkovskiy ]
  * Adding filesystem_store_metadata.json template and handler

  [ Elena Ezhova ]
  * Create a state and a module to create images using import tasks

  [ vgusev ]
  * Fix typo in alarm definition
  * Add kitchen tests for logging

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * RabbitMQ TLS support
  * MySQL TLS Support
  * [tls] Make a cert SLS IDs globally unique
  * OpenStack HTTPS Endpoints support

  [ jsmhatre ]
  * Update glance-api-paste.ini

  [ Oleh Hryhorov ]
  * The patch fixes V3.router error in glance
  * Deleting deprecated function

  [ Ildar Svetlov ]
  * Alignment Glance Grafana dashboard

  [ Oleg Iurchenko ]
  * Add Barbican integration
  * Add keystone v3 support

  [ Vasyl Saienko ]
  * Add pike symlink to ocata
  * Refactor map file to import role data only

  [ Georgiy Kutsurua ]
  * is-public param of glance is deprecated & images cache path fixe

  [ Jakub Josef ]
  * Fixed typo in file
  * Fixed shebang kernel limitation with virtualenv during test run (

  [ stelucz ]
  * Glance quotas (#20)

  [ Oleksii Chupryn ]
  * Add support of OSSysLogHandler logging handler

  [ alexz ]
  * Pike: duplicate image_cache params for glance-cache

  [ Mateusz Matuszkowiak ]
  * Use 'openstack' in Grafana dashboard tags

  [ Benjamin Drung ]
  * Support Python 3

  [ Vladimir Khlyunev ]
  * Do not override DAEMON_ARGS through /etc/default files

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Simon Pasquier <email address hidden>  Tue, 06 Mar 2018 16:44:57 +0000

Available diffs


Package files