Publishing details


salt-formula-rabbitmq (0.2+201710181656.0307453~trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ jan kaufman ]
  * heka logging support
  * fix jinja
  * harvest only 7days old logs by default
  * add formula tests

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * Documentation setup
  * Heka config, cleanup sensu
  * Collectd plugin, docs
  * correct param
  * cluster status
  * escape
  * better include
  * no collectd
  * fix
  * Test fix
  * WP: Stacklight integrations
  * Collectd fixes
  * Collectd template ident fix
  * Collectd template ident typo fix
  * Heka regex encoder
  * MOS9 compatibility
  * Add alarm configuration to heka support meta

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * Fixed syntax error in sphinx.yml
  * Documentation cleanup
  * Orchestration files
  * Orchestration file name changed
  * Orchestration metadata and states
  * Use correct address in sensu check

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Fix stop_rabbitmq_service on rhel
  * Better rely on PATH
  * Remote useless obsolete gpg file
  * Cleanup comments in rabbitmq.config
  * Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * Add salt-master into build depends
  * Fix tests dependency fetch
  * Add missing Makefile
  * Fix source dependency parsing
  * Skip tests on old broken salt
  * Allow setting ssl options
  * Fix typos
  * Fix typo
  * Support custom ssl ciphers
  * Ensure guest user is absent if not explicitly defined
  * Fix ssl bind address and port
  * No default /openstack vhost
  * Add iptables support
  * Support for docker
  * Run rabbitmq as rabbitmq user in container
  * Make cluster init less ugly
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme

  [ Jiri Konecny ]
  * Parametrized management address and port, optional ssl

  [ ovobora ]
  * test Fix
  * collectd processes match
  * fix collectd_processes
  * enable collectd on rabbit
  * quotation fix
  *  fix
  *  try

  [ vmikes ]
  * add rabbitmq_stuck_nodes check
  * fix spaces,ips
  * change subscriber
  * Change check interval
  * update critical threshold, add new option
  * add check proc and cleanup
  * change subscriber to fqdn

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * change cluster-installed path
  * Docker support for Rabbit cluster

  [ marco ]
  * add support for config generation

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Fix the collectd configuration
  * Fix the configuration of log_collector
  * Remove the metric_collector configuration
  * Add timezone support for RabbitMQ logs
  * Fix tags for the admin user
  * Change policy for the rabbitmq_service cluster
  * Fix disk/memory alarms
  * Disable Sensu support by default
  * Enable Telegraf support
  * Add Grafana dashboard for Prometheus
  * Add Prometheus alerts
  * Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * Add alarm cluster definitions
  * Add alarm and alarm clusters

  [ Swann Croiset ]
  * Redefine alerting property
  * Add nagios_host dimenstion

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * Add support for Grafana
  * Fix the name of the Grafana dashboard
  * Put Grafana dashboards into their own directory
  * Provide grains for building the main dashboard
  * Use node hostname instead of hard coded ones

  [ Martin819 ]
  * Added Kitchen tests and Travis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Update .travis.yml and notififcations
  * Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * Add prometheus main dashboard

  [ Kirill Bespalov ]
  * TLS support for RabbitMQ
  * Fix comma missing
  * [ssl] allow to manage content of certs/keys files
  * Fix rabbitmq.server.ssl.enabled in ssl.yaml
  * [tls] Enforce right file permissions for certs/keys

  [ Michel Nederlof ]
  * Allow setting the priority for a rabbitmq policy

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Fix rabbitmq/meta/prometheus.yml for the CI

  [ chnyda ]
  * Add salt-formula-linux as a build-dep

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- jan kaufman <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Oct 2017 16:56:59 +0000

Available diffs


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