Publishing details


salt-formula-haproxy (0.2+201710181359.4d4c970~trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * Documentation
  * fix ednpoint formatting
  * fix wildcarded addresses
  * Fix grains generation
  * fix check
  * Undo grains hack
  * endpoint cleanup
  * Don't include ssl directives in lower versions of HA
  * Documentation fix
  * Fix haproxy listen

  [ Jakub Pavlik ]
  * haproxy tests
  * add stick option for keystone federation

  [ Jiri Konecny ]
  * Added *stats* listen type.
  * [haproxy] Included *stats* page.
  * [haproxy] Added *stats* values.
  * [haproxy] Fixed missing dollar character in metadata parameter references.
  * [haproxy] Added test for stats page.
  * [haproxy] Added test for stats page.

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * Orchestration file
  * Orchestration metadata
  * Add support for tcp-check and http-check configuration

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Fix logging, chroot by default
  * Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * Add salt-master into build depends
  * Fix tests dependency fetch
  * Add missing Makefile
  * Fix source dependency parsing
  * Allow service definition non dependent on predefined types
  * Allow setting reqadd and reqirep
  * Fix typo
  * Allow setting http-request options and fix acl syntax
  * Fix sensu and sphinx for non-type configuration
  * Allow defining http response actions
  * Add SSL support
  * Allow using timeouts
  * Use enable in proxy.listen
  * Fix docs generation
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Add support for deploying SSL certificates
  * Fix wrong option in haproxy.cfg
  * Fix automatical adding of httpchk
  * Allow selecting balance method for mysql, pgsql and horizon types
  * Fix escaping
  * Use instead of

  [ Pavel Cizinsky ]
  * Mirantis pkg compatibility fix

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Add collectd support
  * Fix collectd mapping for Glance registry service
  * Fix collectd mapping for Nova API service
  * Disable Sensu support by default
  * Fix missing 'option tcp-check' for TCP health-check
  * Add 'datasource: influxdb' to Grafana meta
  * Add support for 'option' with ACLs
  * Disable "Include All" in the Grafana dashboard

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * Add alarms
  * Create alarms based on haproxy listen metadata
  * Remove mappings in collectd plugin config
  * Create collectd config based on haproxy listen metadata
  * Add haproxy_check alarm and alarm cluster
  * Add dimension to GSEs
  * Fix the Backend status panel in Grafana
  * Remove pacemaker-related panels
  * Add missing "alerting: enabled" in alarm config
  * Fix annotations in Grafana dashboard
  * Prefix alarm names
  * Split the haproxy alarm cluster

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * Add support for Grafana
  * Fix the name of the Grafana dashboard
  * Add missing JSON format for dashboard
  * Put Grafana dashboards into their own directory
  * Provide grains for building the main dashboard
  * Renamed the key 'check' into 'health-check'

  [ Swann Croiset ]
  * Add nagios_host dimension and fix alerting property
  * Add support for telegraf
  * Add Grafana dashboard with Prometheus datasource
  * Add prometheus support with alerts
  * Fix alert on HTTP 5xx responses

  [ Vladimir Eremin ]
  * HTTP check via HAProxy should not fail on 404

  [ Damian Szeluga ]
  * Default timeout for mysql and rabbit is too large
  * Added proper timeout on haproxy

  [ root ]
  * PgSQL proxy

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Fix dashboard for matching environment name
  * Fix host and proxy selection lists to be sorted
  * Fix for configuring enabled alerts only
  * Fix alerts labels

  [ Martin819 ]
  * Added Kitchen tests and Travis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Update .travis.yml and notififcations
  * Optimize 'noservices' condition
  * Allow Travis CI to run parallel tests
  * Fix missing default value for health-check
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * Add prometheus main dashboard

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * allow override balance mode (#28)
  * Allow disable option *-check for mysql/pgsql type

  [ Tomáš Kukrál ]
  * update formula to run on centos

  [ Ruslan Kamaldinov ]
  * Fix SSL bind condtions

  [ Volodymyr Stoiko ]
  * Handle extended httpchk and tcp-check

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * Update to the latest revision
  * Remove mock_bin for haproxy binary

  [ Dmitry Stremkovskiy ]
  * Adding legendary haproxy-status script

  [ Sergey Otpuschennikov ]
  * Modify frontend
  * Add ability to create redirect
  * Support several binds in frontend

  [ Ildar Svetlov ]
  * Add HaproxyDown alert
  * Add customizable forwardfor option

  [ chnyda ]
  * Add salt-formula-linux as a build-dep

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Ales Komarek <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Oct 2017 13:59:05 +0000

Available diffs


Package files