Publishing details


salt-formula-elasticsearch (0.2+201710181125.a54736f~trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Alena Holanova ]
  * Add support metadata

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * Cleanup docs
  * local setup
  * no sensu
  * bind doc
  * Stacklight integration

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * Add salt-master into build depends
  * Add missing Makefile
  * Add metadata.yml
  * Set node name
  * Better support for clustering
  * Set heap size and limits
  * Allow defining minimum master nodes
  * Add support for curator
  * Add process monitoring
  * Add support for curator heka logging
  * Fix mode and create logfile
  * Set PATH for elasticsearch cron
  * Fix log rotation by using logrotate
  * Add support for setting path.repo option
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Manage minion.d using support metadata

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * Add mlockall and queue_size parameters
  * Use '' to set 'bind_host'
  * Add parameters to setup the gateway
  * Add the parameter to configure path for data and logs
  *  Enable or disable cross-origin resource sharing
  * Add support for Grafana
  * Update the name of the Grafana dashboard
  * Add an Elasticsearch client
  * Use default value for shards and replicas
  * Add missing JSON format for dashboard
  * Add Elasticsearch index templates
  * Salt module elasticsearch depends on elasticsearch-py
  * Put Grafana dashboards into their own directory
  * Separate the configuration and other part of the client
  * Fix templating to get the name of nodes

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Add collectd support
  * Add collectd support only when the server is enabled
  * Evaluate cluster alarms on the remote_collector
  * Allow to configure master_only for the curator
  * Change policy for the elasticsearch_service cluster
  * Add index template for CADF audit messages
  * Fix index template for notification messages
  * Fix typo in notification index template
  * Add 'region' field to the index templates
  * Fix typo in metadata/service/client.yml
  * Install JRE headless package
  * Split between local and remote Telegraf agents
  * Sort hosts by alphabetical order in Grafana

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * Add alarms and alarm clusters
  * Remove fs-related panels in Grafana
  * Use better InfluxDB queries
  * Use the availability_of_members policy

  [ Swann Croiset ]
  * Add nagios_host dimension
  * Fix index template for log messages
  * Update Grafana dashboard with performance metrics
  * Add Telegraf support
  * Add Grafana dashboard with prometheus datasource
  * Configure Prometheus alerts for Elasticsearch
  * Fix Grafana dashboard

  [ Ilya Tyaptin ]
  * Enable script supporting in request

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Added tests script and sample pillars, Kitchen tests and Travis
  * Optimize 'noservices' condition
  * Move suites definition from .travis.yml to .kitchen.yml
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * Add prometheus main dashboard

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * Apply review comments

  [ Tomáš Kukrál ]
  * fix meta/salt with missing pillar

  [ Volodymyr Stoiko ]
  * Extend template definition options

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * Update to the latest revision

  [ Dmitry Kalashnik ]
  * Change min to max as far as the largest metric value is the worst
  * Add threshold to ElasticSearch alarms

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Fix typo for proper config syntax

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Alena Holanova <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:25:26 +0000

Available diffs


Package files