Publishing details


salt-formula-apache (0.2+201710181122.7f12820~trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Support for xsendfile module
  * Enhance redirect
  * Fix typo in ssl deployment
  * Fix include of ssl secure
  * Fix typo
  * Fix missing if statement
  * Fix reference on correct pillar
  * Fix https port on static sites
  * Ensure SSLv3 is disabled
  * Allow setting strict transport security header
  * Fix forward secrecy and strict transport security
  * Allow setting custom mpm and parameters
  * Add missing server limit
  * Fix UndefinedVariableError
  * Allow undefined ServerName
  * Fix X-Forwarded-Proto
  * Support for basic and kerberos authentication
  * Fix typos in _auth.conf
  * Install and enable mod_kerb
  * Fix name of kerb module
  * LDAP basic authentication
  * Fix commit
  * Don't set constrained delegation
  * Fix authentication for locations
  * Support for webdav
  * Create automatically webdav roots
  * Fix webdav in locations
  * Fix location uri
  * Fix apache proxy
  * Allow auth type none
  * No auth if no auth is set
  * Allow setting proxy-initial-not-pooled for proxy
  * Listen on non-standard ports
  * Fix typo
  * Allow setting ProxyPreserveHost and nocanon
  * Support for setting htaccess
  * Fix metadata name collision
  * Allow ca chain for multiple hosts
  * Set security options
  * Fix security settings and mpm
  * Fix metadata
  * Setting default mpm in a better way
  * Remove duplicated KrbMethodK5Passwd
  * Avoid duplicate resource definition of ssl certificates
  * Fix heka.toml
  * Fixes on logstreamer file matching, etc.
  * ExtendedStatus is not needed
  * Allow defining robots.txt
  * Fix typo
  * Fix robots file path
  * Don't setup mpm or modules if metadata not present
  * Fix check key
  * Fix apache ports check
  * Don't follow redirect sites in checks
  * Add iptables support
  * Always set 80 and 443 iptables rules
  * Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * Add salt-master into build depends
  * Fix tests dependency fetch
  * Add missing Makefile
  * Fix source dependency parsing
  * Fix typo in heka.toml
  * Fix apache-error.lua path
  * Enable collectd support
  * Fix stats host
  * Use more secure ssl ciphers, fixes CVE-2016-2107
  * Fix invalid parameters in virtualhost context
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Fix sphinx docs when apache is not installed

  [ jan kaufman ]
  * change log type
  * harvest only 7days old logs by default
  * add formula tests
  * fix pillar example
  * enable heka logging support
  * remove bad configuration
  * fix.: set apache error decoder
  * fix. heka errorlog decoder filename

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * Apache documentation
  * Apache docs
  * Correct path
  * collectd plugin endline fix
  * doc fixes
  * function call
  * Cleanup vars

  [ Alena Holanova ]
  * Add support metadata
  * change ssl ciphers

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * Apache sphinx doc - description added

  [ vmikes ]
  * add apache checks
  * update occurences
  * add letsencrypt certificate
  * if pillar letsencrypt fix

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Add ability to configure the apache logs
  * Collect Keystone WSGI logs
  * Fix generation of the Heka support metadata
  * Monitor Apache service
  * Add Grafana support
  * Remove use of the equalto filter in Jinja
  * Disable Sensu support by default
  * Replace Keystone WSGI decoder by generic WSGI decoder

  [ Petr Michalec ]
  * fix empty decoder
  * better condition handling
  * fix selectattr on dict

  [ Martin819 ]
  * Added Kitchen tests and Travis
  * show 'make test' errors in Travis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Update .travis.yml and notififcations
  * Optimize noservices condition + fix missing pillar param
  * Test different PHP versions
  * Simplify 'noservices' condition
  * Move suites definition from .travis.yml to .kitchen.yml
  * Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file
  * Add prometheus main dashboard

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * Update README.rst

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Add and activate Apache telegraf input
  * Add Grafana dashboard with Prometheus datasource
  * Add Prometheus alerts

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Filip Pytloun <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:22:29 +0000

Available diffs


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