Publishing details


salt-formula-prometheus (0.1+201709281133.2f5ed47~trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Add metadata
  * Use salt support to generate grains

  [ Bartosz Kupidura ]
  * Add prometheus, alertmanager, pushgateway configs
  * Better grain handling for telegraf
  * Get dns autodiscovery from reclass
  * Add ssl options for etcd
  * Add support.yml for alerts and recording rules
  * Typo
  * Add more generic auto-discovery for statics
  * Send updated grains to Salt mine
  * Import prometheus.server in collector
  * Enable {%raw%} in grafana dashboard template
  * Render alertmanager config without yaml filter
  * Disable by default kubernetes and dns target
  * Create data directory for am and prometheus
  * Use builtin autodiscovery of alertmanager
  * Adjust options to prometheus 1.6
  * Add remote_write
  * Remove hardcoded username
  * We need empty {} to evaluate alerts
  * Generate 'route' config entry with macro
  * Support for custom add custom labels from reclass
  * Merge grains with pillars for static targets
  * Pass all options for static target from formula
  * Revert "Add Jenkins to Prometheus targets"
  * Allow to pass metrics_path for static jobs
  * Get kubernetes status from grains
  * Add pushgateway and alertmanager dashboards
  * Add prometheus alerts

  [ Swann Croiset ]
  * Add Grafana dashboard for prometheus performance metrics
  * Fix alert typo when using FOR directive
  * Fix inhibition rule for warning/critical severities

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Added ability to disable endpoints, alerts and recording rules and override alerts/recording rules from reclass
  * Added bind info for pushgateway
  * Added Kitchen tests and Travis
  * Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file

  [ Tomáš Kukrál ]
  * fix meta/salt with missing pillar

  [ Aleksey Kasatkin ]
  * Fix typo in job name for k8s services in prometheus.yml

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Add Prometheus exporters
  * Add Prometheus metrics relabel configuration for exporters
  * Add bind address parameter for JMX exporter
  * Fix exporters configuration to be generic
  * Fix jmx-exporter service configuration
  * Fix exporters deployment error
  * Remove aliasColors
  * Remove non-existing metrics
  * Reorder related panel items
  * Fix Prometheus dashboard
  * Add Grafana dashboard with Prometheus datasource for remote storage adapter
  * Add Prometheus alerts
  * Fix for removing local addresses as exporters addresses

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * Update to the latest revision

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Split infra and workload monitoring for K8S
  * Rename Prometheus alerts for consistency
  * Add soft parameters for the main Prometheus options
  * Trigger the target down alert after 2 minutes

  [ Konstantin Hontar ]
  * Add Jenkins to Prometheus targets
  * Add Slack and mail receiver to AlertManager config

  [ Ildar Svetlov ]
  * Add Prometheus Stats dashboard
  * Alignment Remote Storage Adapter Grafana dashboard

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- Filip Pytloun <email address hidden>  Thu, 28 Sep 2017 11:33:26 +0000

Available diffs


Package files