Publishing details


salt-formula-collectd (0.2+201709130918.af8332b~trusty1) trusty; urgency=medium

  [ marco ]
  * add network
  * add network to mam.jinja
  * change snmp plugin
  * fix snmp file location
  * fix variable
  * include plugin snmp in collect.conf
  * add space after plugin
  * add snmp package

  [ Ales Komarek ]
  * Network SNMP metering, OpenStack meter checks
  * Documentation fixes, removed obsoletes
  * Formula cleanup, old configurations and plugins setup gone
  * Parameter normalisation
  * Moved support scripts around
  * fix support services
  * Fix jinja coding
  * Spacing fix
  * pluralise plugins
  * Fix grains generation
  * generation to sls
  * fix name check to plugin
  * fix when empty
  * Conditional plugin load
  * Proper fix
  * Fix grains ambiguity
  * Grains validation
  * Processes plugin, config generation cleanup
  * Writer include fix
  * Documentation
  * Typo fix
  * plugins
  * Intalled plugins doc
  * plugin name fix
  * Fix process plugin ending
  * fixes to checks
  * rabbitmq backend fixes
  * not any more, this ExchangeType option
  * fix collectd version
  * New line char for 1 line plugins
  * Idempotency improvement
  * Must enforce conf dir
  * Must enforce conf dir
  * SNMP collecting
  * cURL and ping checks
  * fix of parameter
  * Global collectd update
  * Split plugins
  * Fix
  * Fix config
  * Reverse merge dicts
  * Remote collecting
  * Hotfix before stacklight is merged
  * Salt-mine remote_check support fixed
  * Docs fix
  * Docs fixes
  * doc
  * netlink plugin for redhat family oses

  [ jan kaufman ]
  * RH support
  * move python yaml library to map.jinja to do support by OS
  * fix package dependency

  [ Adam Tengler ]
  * Nginx metrics support
  * Collectd client tests
  * Metadata yaml
  * Backend defined in client test

  [ Filip Pytloun ]
  * Add makefile, run tests during package build
  * Add salt-master into build depends
  * Fix tests dependency fetch
  * Add missing Makefile
  * Fix source dependency parsing
  * Don't install librabbitmq1 - shipped as dependency
  * Unify Makefile, .gitignore and update readme
  * Manage grains using support metadata
  * Try to fix jinja cycle
  * Fix tests
  * Fix functionality
  * Revert "Fix legacy URL tag."

  [ ovobora ]
  * ProcessMatch
  * match: collectdmon

  [ Simon Pasquier ]
  * Add missing import of client for Python plugin
  * Install the libpython2.7 package
  * Make the RabbitMQ collectd plugin more robust
  * Install the python-simplejson package
  * Fix include statements in the Python template
  * Improve Elasticsearch collectd plugin
  * Fix configuration of the local endpoint checks
  * Fix monitoring of the collectd process itself
  * Add vrrp Python plugin
  * Fix Python plugins launching external processes
  * Add Glusterfs Python plugin
  * Fix the execution of gluster command
  * Collect more metrics from glusterfs
  * Rename glusterfs_peer metric to glusterfs_peer_state
  * Extend GlusterFS metrics
  * Add nginx check plugin
  * Implement the remote collectd service
  * Support remote_collector in cluster mode
  * Add support for ReadThreads parameter
  * Add support for Timeout support (http backend)
  * Split the Elasticsearch plugin
  * Fix the VRRP plugin
  * Fix calls to the execute() method
  * Fix for None values
  * Don't return check metric for unknown services
  * Fix plugins for hostname-free metrics
  * Use Keystone v3 API for getting users and tenants
  * Fix Glance image size metrics
  * Don't send http_check_check metric
  * Add ability to test plugins outside of collectd
  * Remove unused meta parameter
  * Add support for the http_check plugin
  * Add CLI support for collectd plugins
  * Fix wrong exception name in
  * Add multi-region support to the OpenStack plugins
  * Fix import module in
  * Fix metric name emitted by
  * Modify OpenStack plugins to harmonize metrics
  * Add 'az' dimension to worker metrics
  * Fix collectd plugins when 'internalURL' isn't set
  * Remove hostname for global hypervisor metrics
  * Increase collection interval for GlusterFS

  [ Éric Lemoine ]
  * Use Node instead of URL in plugin http_write
  * Revert "Use Node instead of URL in plugin http_write"
  * Make haproxy emit backend_servers_percent metrics
  * Revert "Stacklight (#29)"
  * Add cinder|neutron|nova_services_percent metrics
  * Configure logrotate
  * Restart service when /usr/lib/collectd-python changes
  * Ignore gluster transaction in progress errors

  [ pasquier-s ]
  * Make hostname configurable (#9)

  [ Olivier Bourdon ]
  * Add Contrail Python modules
  * Revert to camel-case attributes names
  * Fix for collectd java plugin proper loading
  * Fix for uniformization of metric names
  * Add metrics for Nova aggregates
  * Rework collectd plugins for OpenStack
  * Support pagination for OpenStack services
  * Use Glance API v2
  * Poll OpenStack resources in background
  * Retrieve only useful Neutron fields
  * Use Cinder API v2
  * Add plugin Calico Felix
  * Fix for aggregate metrics
  * Add plugin Calico Bird
  * Fix for emitting 0s instead of nothing
  * Fix for proper total of networks
  * Add collectd Zookeeper plugin
  * Provide complete set of Glance metrics
  * Fix for emitting 0s instead of nothing
  * Provide complete set of Nova metrics
  * Provide complete set of Neutron metrics

  [ Aleš Komárek ]
  * Stacklight (#29)
  * Update README.rst

  [ Pavel Cizinsky ]
  * add debian/lintian-overrides

  [ Swann Croiset ]
  * Emit the Nova workers metrics even if they never reported
  * Fix openstack_check_api for unknown service
  * Limit collectd write queue memory
  * Disable check metrics for OpenStack resource polling
  * Use changes-since parameter when polling Nova server details
  * Add CheckContent option to http_check plugin
  * Add k8s "kubectl get" collectd plugin to extract metrics
  * Add NotReady nodes percentage metric
  * Fix polling by pagination of the Glance API
  * Introduce an asynchronous http_check plugin
  * Add SSL certificate support for http_check plugin
  * Configure the http_check for the remote collector
  * Allow to set the metric name per URL for http_check plugin
  * Add option to discard the hostname dimension for http_check plugin
  * Add Docker plugin
  * Implement timeout for process execution
  * Collect Elasticsearch performance metrics
  * Retrieve node readiness metrics from the Kubernetes API

  [ Guillaume Thouvenin ]
  * Add test for StackLight remote collectd

  [ Martin819 ]
  * Added Kitchen tests and Travis

  [ Martin Polreich ]
  * Update .travis.yml and notififcations
  * Update .travis.yml and .kitchen.yml files for parallel testing
  * Fix name in .kitchen.travis.yml file

  [ Jaymes Mosher ]
  * Sort the collectd.yml grain fragments before merge

  [ Tomáš Kukrál ]
  * fix meta/salt with missing pillar

  [ Michael Kutý ]
  * Fix legacy URL tag. Legacy <URL> block found. Please use <Node> instead.
  * Fix network backend.
  * Add postgresql plugin.

  [ jmosher ]
  * Determine region-specific endpoints correctly.
  * Add plugin to check bond member status up/down

  [ Dennis Dmitriev ]
  * Update to the latest revision

  [ Tomas Kamm ]
  * change to

  [ 'Jenkins' ]

 -- marco <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 Sep 2017 09:18:42 +0000

Available diffs


Package files