Publishing details


oem-disable-meta (0.1~jdstrand1) jammy; urgency=medium

  * Empty meta package to stop update-notifier list-oem-metapackages from
    installing other drivers. Due to LP: 1908050, update-notifier
    list-oem-metapackages unconditionally creates
    /run/user/1000/ubuntu-drivers-oem.package-list by calling
    write_oem_metapackage_list() which, despite additional drivers being
    configured to not install, which always includes oem packages (if they
    match Modaliases in Packages). However, list-oem-metapackages will first
    call any_oem_metapackages_installed() and exit if any oem-*-meta packages
    are already installed. As such, name this empty package accordingly so
    we don't use the oem kernel (eg, the hwe-22.04 works fine).

 -- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:27:30 +0000


Built packages

Package files