Publishing details


flameshot (0.5.0-1dhor~xenial) xenial; urgency=medium

  * Catalan translation.
  * Add --raw flag: prints the raw bytes of the png after the capture.
  * Bash completion.
  * Blur tool.
  * Preview draw size on mouse pointer after tool selection.
  * App Launcher tool: choose an app to open the capture.
  * Travis integration
  * Configuration import, export and reset.
  * Experimental Wayland support (Plasma & Gnome)
  * Capture selection resizable using any border.
  * App version shown properly
  * Now the cli wont break if you preppend a dash before gui, full and config arguments.
  * Fix rare crash condition creating a selection during a graphical capture.

 -- Dariusz Duma <email address hidden>  Wed, 15 Feb 2018 09:01:13 +0200


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