Can't find bg_2560x1600.jpg

Bug #512069 reported by Ciso
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone

Bug Description

~$ xsplash-background-settings --settings
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/xsplash-background-settings", line 332, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/xsplash-background-settings", line 71, in settings_dialog
    customimage.add(gtk.image_new_from_pixbuf(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size("/usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600.jpg", 80, 60)))
glib.GError: Apertura del file «/usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600.jpg» fallita: Nessun file o directory

In Italian this means that the script cant' fine the bg_2560x1600.jpg file.
The file on my Ubuntu 9.10 installation is located in:

Revision history for this message
meerkat (meerkat) wrote :

That is really uncommon, default xsplash image folder is /usr/share/images/xsplash. Looks like you installed some xsplash theme and did a backup in /usr/share/images/_xsplash. In any case moving bg_2560x1600.jpg to /usr/share/images/xsplash or reinstalling the official xsplash package should solve that issue.

Changed in xsplash-background-settings:
status: New → Incomplete
importance: Undecided → Low
assignee: nobody → meerkat (meerkat)
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