Hey all! Maybe this could help. I have been powering away for the last two weeks trying to get either 12.04 LTS and 10.04 LTS to function. Good News. Start is booting on both. Bad new its using the display port as the default output but reading through every post most of you know this. On 12.04 I have had some success but each resulting in poor ass graphics (tearing, banding, and ghosting) that was using with the ATI Drivers, the Proprietary Drivers. The open source drivers didn't work for me. For 12.04 LTS to boot I had to install using the alternate CD and 'F4' at the install menu and select Command Line System and hit 'F6' and change to 'nomodeset'. After install I DID NOT reboot. A went back to the install list and at the bottom chose Exceute Shell where punched in the commands listed on the forum post (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1476226) Then I restarted. I booted normally to the command line where I installed build-essential wget python-essential-properties (spelling?) ubuntu-desktop next I installed the ATI Driver from online using ATI to download the zip file to my /tmp I had to update my kernel headers but after that the ATI install did a text based install. I then ATI driver installed fine and so I then sudo aticonfig --initial -f I then rebooted. Everything seems to work but the issues were this for 12.04 LTS. The graphics looked like shit. Gnome 3 was unworkable and the tearing and lag was unbelievable. But its a step forward because I rebooted a total 20 times and it worked. For 10.04 LTS I simply installed the Alternate CD using the text based editor. First time i booted back in Recovery Mode using fail safe graphics. Their was no noticeable difference (granted i only logged in and stay on the desktop and terminal mostly). Windows moved smoothly, no banding or tearing and everything seemed responsive. So I decide to try the proprietary driver by Ubuntu. I opened the Hardware Manager (or whatever its called) and installed it and rebooted. I rebooted normally and the boot loaded however! The graphics looked good aweful. I was so surprised. Things were alittle laggy and the banding on the default BG wallpaper appalled me! So I removed the driver and rebooted normal. Black Screen is what I meet on a normal reboot. So I rebooted again into recovery mode with failsafe graphics. Once again everything looked normal and better then the normal boot with the propretary drivers. Recap: -Kernel seems to default to the output mini display port (prob a labeling issue) 12.04 LTS -Normal Text Based Install Normal Boot=> Black Screen -Boot into Recovery Mode => Black Screen -Command Line Install with Manual Installaltion of ATI Driver, Grub Commands, and Desktop => Boot with awedul results (T-G-L-B) 10.04 LTS -Normal Text Based install Normal Boot => Black Screen -Normal Text Based Install Recovery boot and Failsafe graphics => Excellent Response but with limited testing -Installed Proprietary Drivers Normal Boot => Normal Work Successful but Aweful Graphics (Mostly B-L) [Test 20x for consistency] -Unistall Proprietary Drivers and Normal Boot => Blackscreen -Reboot install Recovery Mode => Work and better smoother graphics the Proprietary Drivers. (Limited Testing) Blackscreen = When I say this what I mean is the kernel (or whatever) has used the output display as the default. I know this because I get the log in sound and I can blind reboot on both 12 and 10 (e.g. Log In Blind and hit CTRL+ALT+T [to open terminal] and type blind 'sudo reboot' then my root password. and it reboots) T = Tearing B = Banding of Colors (Low Bit Depth) L = Lag G = Ghosting I hope this helps. My next test is going to be the ATI Catalyst Drivers on 10. I am hanging away from 12 until I can get 10 working because then maybe a simple upgrade will fix the issue. Lemme Know if you need anything. My email is