Hi Nelson, I still can't replicate the crash on my system (Lubuntu x64) with v4.2. I have tried two test cases. 1) - created 15 pads - repeat 30 times: click left on tray icon (= show all) followed by click right on tray icon -> close all 2) - created 15 pads - repeat 30 times: click right on tray icon (= show all) followed by click right on tray icon -> close all If you agree let's do the following. Let's put this bugreport on hold until: - you have more information from the office - you have installed version 4.2 (which will be released in approx. 1 month) In the mean time, I will set the release status of a potential fix for version 4.3. Do you agree with this solution? For your suggestion of new features, I have created a blueprint, which can be used to discuss, and brainstorm, followed by a design more and more in detail. If you feel like it, please add your ideas to this blueprint. It can be found here. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xpad/+spec/xpad-share-notes On 9 October 2013 10:35, Nelson Suniaga