Comment 34 for bug 92652

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In , Eduardo Cereto (dudus) wrote :

I can't seem to fix this issue. I'm very new to xkeyboard-config.
Someone please help:

I first tried to create a new variant on symbols/br. here's the problematic key:
key <AC11> { [dead_acute, dead_diaeresis, apostrophe, quotedbl ] };
dead_acute gives me ć, thi is the same as us(intl)
But if I change it to dead_cedilla cedilla looks great but I ruin all other accented keys (á, é, í, ó, ú, etc), and these are all eqaully important for br.

My second shot was to somehow map ć to ç only on this variant. I tried to check files under types/, keycodes/ and compat/. Most seam to give you options to change behavior based on modifiers. I can't seem to find where exactly ´+c is mapped to ć.

I can't find much documentation on dead keys, and I'm assuming that what I want to be is somewhat unusual. Even so i think this is a very important issue for brazillian users.