-------------------------------------- Environment Checks --------------------------------------
PHP Version 5.2.4 or later
Filesystem Permissions
Xibo requires a MySQL database. Ensure PHP MySQL client extension is installed
JSON Extension
SOAP Extension
GD Extension
Calendar Extension
DOM Extension
DOM XML Extension
Allow PHP to open external URLs
-------------------------------------- PHP INFO -------------------------------------- Array ( [PHP Configuration] => Array ( [PHP Version] => 5.2.16 [PHP Egg] => PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 [System] => Linux aamy-imgweb01.airasia.com 2.6.18-194.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Mar 16 22:00:21 EDT 2010 i686 [Build Date] => Dec 17 2010 14:10:15 [Configure Command] => ./configure --host=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --build=i686-redhat-linux-gnu --target=i386-redhat-linux --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/libexec --localstatedir=/var --sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --cache-file=../config.cache --with-libdir=lib --with-config-file-path=/etc --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d --disable-debug --with-pic --disable-rpath --without-pear --with-bz2 --with-curl --with-exec-dir=/usr/bin --with-freetype-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr --enable-gd-native-ttf --without-gdbm --with-gettext --with-gmp --with-iconv --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-openssl --with-pcre-regex=/usr --with-zlib --with-layout=GNU --enable-exif --enable-ftp --enable-magic-quotes --enable-sockets --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-sysvmsg --enable-wddx --with-kerberos --enable-ucd-snmp-hack --enable-shmop --enable-calendar --without-mime-magic --without-sqlite --with-libxml-dir=/usr --enable-xml --with-system-tzdata --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --without-mysql --without-gd --disable-dom --disable-dba --without-unixODBC --disable-pdo --disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-json --without-pspell [Server API] => Apache 2.0 Handler [Virtual Directory Support] => disabled [Configuration File (php.ini) Path] => /etc [Loaded Configuration File] => /etc/php.ini [Scan this dir for additional .ini files] => /etc/php.d [additional .ini files parsed] => /etc/php.d/dbase.ini,/etc/php.d/dom.ini,/etc/php.d/gd.ini,/etc/php.d/json.ini,/etc/php.d/ldap.ini,/etc/php.d/mbstring.ini,/etc/php.d/mysql.ini,/etc/php.d/mysqli.ini,/etc/php.d/pdo.ini,/etc/php.d/pdo_mysql.ini,/etc/php.d/pdo_sqlite.ini,/etc/php.d/soap.ini,/etc/php.d/xmlreader.ini,/etc/php.d/xmlwriter.ini,/etc/php.d/xsl.ini,/etc/php.d/zip.ini [PHP API] => 20041225 [PHP Extension] => 20060613 [Zend Extension] => 220060519 [Debug Build] => no [Thread Safety] => disabled [Zend Memory Manager] => enabled [IPv6 Support] => enabled [Registered PHP Streams] => https, ftps, compress.zlib, compress.bzip2, php, file, data, http, ftp, zip [Registered Stream Socket Transports] => tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls [Registered Stream Filters] => zlib.*, bzip2.*, convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed [Zend Engine] => v2.2.0 [Zend Egg] => PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 [PHP Credits Egg] => PHPB8B5F2A0-3C92-11d3-A3A9-4C7B08C10000 ) [PHP Core] => Array ( [allow_call_time_pass_reference] => Off [allow_url_fopen] => On [allow_url_include] => Off [always_populate_raw_post_data] => Off [arg_separator.input] => & [arg_separator.output] => & [asp_tags] => Off [auto_append_file] => no value [auto_globals_jit] => On [auto_prepend_file] => no value [browscap] => no value [default_charset] => no value [default_mimetype] => text/html [define_syslog_variables] => Off [disable_classes] => no value [disable_functions] => no value [display_errors] => Off [display_startup_errors] => Off [doc_root] => no value [docref_ext] => no value [docref_root] => no value [enable_dl] => On [error_append_string] => no value [error_log] => no value [error_prepend_string] => no value [error_reporting] => 6143 [expose_php] => On [extension_dir] => /usr/lib/php/modules [file_uploads] => On [highlight.bg] => #FFFFFF [highlight.comment] => #FF8000 [highlight.default] => #0000BB [highlight.html] => #000000 [highlight.keyword] => #007700 [highlight.string] => #DD0000 [html_errors] => On [ignore_repeated_errors] => Off [ignore_repeated_source] => Off [ignore_user_abort] => Off [implicit_flush] => Off [include_path] => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php [log_errors] => On [log_errors_max_len] => 1024 [magic_quotes_gpc] => Off [magic_quotes_runtime] => Off [magic_quotes_sybase] => Off [mail.force_extra_parameters] => no value [max_execution_time] => 500 [max_file_uploads] => 20 [max_input_nesting_level] => 64 [max_input_time] => 500 [memory_limit] => 2048M [open_basedir] => no value [output_buffering] => 4096 [output_handler] => no value [post_max_size] => 50M [precision] => 14 [realpath_cache_size] => 16K [realpath_cache_ttl] => 120 [register_argc_argv] => Off [register_globals] => Off [register_long_arrays] => Off [report_memleaks] => On [report_zend_debug] => On [safe_mode] => Off [safe_mode_exec_dir] => no value [safe_mode_gid] => Off [safe_mode_include_dir] => no value [sendmail_from] => no value [sendmail_path] => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i [serialize_precision] => 100 [short_open_tag] => On [SMTP] => localhost [smtp_port] => 25 [sql.safe_mode] => Off [track_errors] => Off [unserialize_callback_func] => no value [upload_max_filesize] => 2048M [upload_tmp_dir] => no value [user_dir] => no value [variables_order] => EGPCS [xmlrpc_error_number] => 0 [xmlrpc_errors] => Off [y2k_compliance] => On [zend.ze1_compatibility_mode] => Off ) [apache2handler] => Array ( [Apache Version] => Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) [Apache API Version] => 20051115 [Server Administrator] => root@localhost [Hostname:Port] => stging-tv.airasia.com:0 [User/Group] => apache(48)/48 [Max Requests] => Per Child: 4000 - Keep Alive: off - Max Per Connection: 100 [Timeouts] => Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 15 [Virtual Server] => Yes [Server Root] => /etc/httpd [Loaded Modules] => core prefork http_core mod_so mod_auth_basic mod_auth_digest mod_authn_file mod_authn_alias mod_authn_anon mod_authn_dbm mod_authn_default mod_authz_host mod_authz_user mod_authz_owner mod_authz_groupfile mod_authz_dbm mod_authz_default util_ldap mod_authnz_ldap mod_include mod_log_config mod_logio mod_env mod_ext_filter mod_mime_magic mod_expires mod_deflate mod_headers mod_usertrack mod_setenvif mod_mime mod_dav mod_status mod_autoindex mod_info mod_dav_fs mod_vhost_alias mod_negotiation mod_dir mod_actions mod_speling mod_userdir mod_alias mod_rewrite mod_proxy mod_proxy_balancer mod_proxy_ftp mod_proxy_http mod_proxy_connect mod_cache mod_suexec mod_disk_cache mod_file_cache mod_mem_cache mod_cgi mod_version mod_perl mod_php5 mod_proxy_ajp mod_python mod_ssl [engine] => 1 [last_modified] => 0 [xbithack] => 0 ) [Apache Environment] => Array ( [HTTP_HOST] => stging-tv.airasia.com [HTTP_CONNECTION] => keep-alive [HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.97 Safari/537.11 [HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 [HTTP_REFERER] => http://stging-tv.airasia.com/index.php?p=fault& [HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] => en-US,en;q=0.8 [HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET] => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 [HTTP_COOKIE] => _vis_opt_exp_8_exclude=1; WRUID=1195763839.1871164462; mf_user=1; _vis_opt_s=2%7C; LanguageSelect=ot/en; s_rsid=aa-airasia-ot-prd; s_vi=[CS]v1|284B9760852A0303-60000104C000B6D4[CE]; __utma=250638358.1257480317.1356312755.1356312755.1356312755.1; __utmz=250638358.1356312755.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=n55l3rfckd26ge7tr0h6t30au5 [PATH] => /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin [SERVER_SIGNATURE] => <address>Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Server at stging-tv.airasia.com Port 80</address> [SERVER_SOFTWARE] => Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) [SERVER_NAME] => stging-tv.airasia.com [SERVER_ADDR] => [SERVER_PORT] => 80 [REMOTE_ADDR] => [DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/html/xibo-new/ [SERVER_ADMIN] => root@localhost [SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/html/xibo-new/index.php [REMOTE_PORT] => 52286 [GATEWAY_INTERFACE] => CGI/1.1 [SERVER_PROTOCOL] => HTTP/1.1 [REQUEST_METHOD] => GET [QUERY_STRING] => p=fault&q=CollectData [REQUEST_URI] => /index.php?p=fault&q=CollectData [SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php ) [HTTP Headers Information] => Array ( [HTTP Request] => GET /index.php?p=fault&q=CollectData HTTP/1.1 [Host] => stging-tv.airasia.com [Connection] => keep-alive [User-Agent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.97 Safari/537.11 [Accept] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 [Referer] => http://stging-tv.airasia.com/index.php?p=fault& [Accept-Language] => en-US,en;q=0.8 [Accept-Charset] => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 [Cookie] => _vis_opt_exp_8_exclude=1; WRUID=1195763839.1871164462; mf_user=1; _vis_opt_s=2%7C; LanguageSelect=ot/en; s_rsid=aa-airasia-ot-prd; s_vi=[CS]v1|284B9760852A0303-60000104C000B6D4[CE]; __utma=250638358.1257480317.1356312755.1356312755.1356312755.1; __utmz=250638358.1356312755.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=n55l3rfckd26ge7tr0h6t30au5 [X-Powered-By] => PHP/5.2.16 [Expires] => Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT [Cache-Control] => no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 [Pragma] => no-cache [X-XRDS-Location] => http://stging-tv.airasia.com/index.php/service.php?xrds [Content-Disposition] => attachment; filename="troubleshoot.txt" [Content-Transfer-Encoding] => binary [Accept-Ranges] => bytes ) [bz2] => Array ( [BZip2 Support] => Enabled [Stream Wrapper support] => compress.bz2:// [Stream Filter support] => bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress [BZip2 Version] => 1.0.3, 15-Feb-2005 ) [calendar] => Array ( [Calendar support] => enabled ) [ctype] => Array ( [ctype functions] => enabled ) [curl] => Array ( [cURL support] => enabled [cURL Information] => libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5 ) [date] => Array ( [date/time support] => enabled ["Olson" Timezone Database Version] => 0.system [Timezone Database] => internal [Default timezone] => Asia/Kuala_Lumpur [date.default_latitude] => 31.7667 [date.default_longitude] => 35.2333 [date.sunrise_zenith] => 90.583333 [date.sunset_zenith] => 90.583333 [date.timezone] => no value ) [dom] => Array ( [DOM/XML] => enabled [DOM/XML API Version] => 20031129 [libxml Version] => 2.6.26 [HTML Support] => enabled [XPath Support] => enabled [XPointer Support] => enabled [Schema Support] => enabled [RelaxNG Support] => enabled ) [exif] => Array ( [EXIF Support] => enabled [EXIF Version] => 1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $ [Supported EXIF Version] => 0220 [Supported filetypes] => JPEG,TIFF ) [filter] => Array ( [Input Validation and Filtering] => enabled [Revision] => $Revision: 298196 $ [filter.default] => unsafe_raw [filter.default_flags] => no value ) [ftp] => Array ( [FTP support] => enabled ) [gd] => Array ( [GD Support] => enabled [GD Version] => bundled (2.0.34 compatible) [FreeType Support] => enabled [FreeType Linkage] => with freetype [FreeType Version] => 2.2.1 [GIF Read Support] => enabled [GIF Create Support] => enabled [JPG Support] => enabled [PNG Support] => enabled [WBMP Support] => enabled [XBM Support] => enabled ) [gettext] => Array ( [GetText Support] => enabled ) [gmp] => Array ( [gmp support] => enabled [GMP version] => 4.1.4 ) [hash] => Array ( [hash support] => enabled [Hashing Engines] => md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3 tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru gost adler32 crc32 crc32b haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4 haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5 ) [iconv] => Array ( [iconv support] => enabled [iconv implementation] => glibc [iconv library version] => 2.5 [iconv.input_encoding] => ISO-8859-1 [iconv.internal_encoding] => ISO-8859-1 [iconv.output_encoding] => ISO-8859-1 ) [json] => Array ( [json support] => enabled [json version] => 1.2.1 ) [ldap] => Array ( [LDAP Support] => enabled [RCS Version] => $Id: ldap.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $ [Total Links] => 0/unlimited [API Version] => 3001 [Vendor Name] => OpenLDAP [Vendor Version] => 20343 [SASL Support] => Enabled ) [libxml] => Array ( [libXML support] => active [libXML Version] => 2.6.26 [libXML streams] => enabled ) [mbstring] => Array ( [Multibyte Support] => enabled [Multibyte string engine] => libmbfl [Multibyte (japanese) regex support] => enabled [Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version] => 4.4.4 [Multibyte regex (oniguruma) backtrack check] => On [mbstring.detect_order] => no value [mbstring.encoding_translation] => Off [mbstring.func_overload] => 0 [mbstring.http_input] => pass [mbstring.http_output] => pass [mbstring.internal_encoding] => no value [mbstring.language] => neutral [mbstring.strict_detection] => Off [mbstring.substitute_character] => no value ) [mysql] => Array ( [Active Persistent Links] => 0 [Active Links] => 1 [Client API version] => 5.1.52 [MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE] => external [MYSQL_SOCKET] => /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock [MYSQL_INCLUDE] => -I/usr/include/mysql [MYSQL_LIBS] => -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient [mysql.allow_persistent] => On [mysql.connect_timeout] => 120 [mysql.default_host] => no value [mysql.default_password] => no value [mysql.default_port] => no value [mysql.default_socket] => no value [mysql.default_user] => no value [mysql.max_links] => Unlimited [mysql.max_persistent] => Unlimited [mysql.trace_mode] => Off ) [mysqli] => Array ( [Client API library version] => 5.1.52 [Client API header version] => 5.1.52 [MYSQLI_SOCKET] => /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock [mysqli.default_host] => no value [mysqli.default_port] => 3306 [mysqli.default_pw] => no value [mysqli.default_socket] => no value [mysqli.default_user] => no value [mysqli.max_links] => Unlimited [mysqli.reconnect] => Off ) [openssl] => Array ( [OpenSSL support] => enabled [OpenSSL Version] => OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008 ) [pcre] => Array ( [PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support] => enabled [PCRE Library Version] => 8.13 2011-08-16 [pcre.backtrack_limit] => 100000 [pcre.recursion_limit] => 100000 ) [PDO] => Array ( [PDO drivers] => mysql, sqlite ) [pdo_sqlite] => Array ( [PECL Module version] => 1.0.1 $Id: pdo_sqlite.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $ [SQLite Library] => 3.3.6 ) [posix] => Array ( [Revision] => $Revision: 293036 $ ) [Reflection] => Array ( [Version] => $Id: php_reflection.c 300129 2010-06-03 00:43:37Z felipe $ ) [session] => Array ( [Session Support] => enabled [Registered save handlers] => files user [Registered serializer handlers] => php php_binary wddx [session.auto_start] => Off [session.bug_compat_42] => Off [session.bug_compat_warn] => On [session.cache_expire] => 180 [session.cache_limiter] => nocache [session.cookie_domain] => no value [session.cookie_httponly] => Off [session.cookie_lifetime] => 0 [session.cookie_path] => / [session.cookie_secure] => Off [session.entropy_file] => no value [session.entropy_length] => 0 [session.gc_divisor] => 1000 [session.gc_maxlifetime] => 1440 [session.gc_probability] => 1 [session.hash_bits_per_character] => 5 [session.hash_function] => 0 [session.name] => PHPSESSID [session.referer_check] => no value [session.save_handler] => Array ( [0] => user [1] => files ) [session.save_path] => /var/lib/php/session [session.serialize_handler] => php [session.use_cookies] => On [session.use_only_cookies] => Off [session.use_trans_sid] => 0 ) [shmop] => Array ( [shmop support] => enabled ) [SimpleXML] => Array ( [Revision] => $Revision: 299016 $ [Schema support] => enabled ) [soap] => Array ( [Soap Client] => enabled [Soap Server] => enabled [soap.wsdl_cache] => 1 [soap.wsdl_cache_dir] => /tmp [soap.wsdl_cache_enabled] => 1 [soap.wsdl_cache_limit] => 5 [soap.wsdl_cache_ttl] => 86400 ) [sockets] => Array ( [Sockets Support] => enabled ) [SPL] => Array ( [Interfaces] => Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject [Classes] => AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilterIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SimpleXMLIterator, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplObjectStorage, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException ) [standard] => Array ( [Regex Library] => Bundled library enabled [Dynamic Library Support] => enabled [Path to sendmail] => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i [assert.active] => 1 [assert.bail] => 0 [assert.callback] => no value [assert.quiet_eval] => 0 [assert.warning] => 1 [auto_detect_line_endings] => 0 [default_socket_timeout] => 300 [safe_mode_allowed_env_vars] => PHP_ [safe_mode_protected_env_vars] => LD_LIBRARY_PATH [url_rewriter.tags] => a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry [user_agent] => no value ) [sysvmsg] => Array ( [sysvmsg support] => enabled [Revision] => $Revision: 293036 $ ) [tokenizer] => Array ( [Tokenizer Support] => enabled ) [wddx] => Array ( [WDDX Session Serializer] => enabled ) [xml] => Array ( [XML Support] => active [XML Namespace Support] => active [libxml2 Version] => 2.6.26 ) [xmlreader] => Array ( [XMLReader] => enabled ) [xmlwriter] => Array ( [XMLWriter] => enabled ) [xsl] => Array ( [XSL] => enabled [libxslt Version] => 1.1.17 [libxslt compiled against libxml Version] => 2.6.26 [EXSLT] => enabled [libexslt Version] => 1.1.17 ) [zip] => Array ( [Zip] => enabled [Extension Version] => $Id: php_zip.c 305848 2010-11-30 11:04:06Z pajoye $ [Zip version] => 1.8.11 [Libzip version] => 0.9.0 ) [zlib] => Array ( [ZLib Support] => enabled [Stream Wrapper support] => compress.zlib:// [Stream Filter support] => zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate [Compiled Version] => 1.2.3 [Linked Version] => 1.2.3 [zlib.output_compression] => Off [zlib.output_compression_level] => -1 [zlib.output_handler] => no value ) [Additional Modules] => Array ( [dbase] => [sysvsem] => [sysvshm] => ) [Environment] => Array ( [HOSTNAME] => aamy-imgweb01.airasia.com [TERM] => xterm [SHELL] => /bin/bash [HISTSIZE] => 1000 [SSH_CLIENT] => 60882 22 [SSH_TTY] => /dev/pts/2 [USER] => root [LS_COLORS] => no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35: [MAIL] => /var/spool/mail/root [PATH] => /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin [INPUTRC] => /etc/inputrc [PWD] => /var/www/html/xibo-new [LANG] => C [SSH_ASKPASS] => /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass [SHLVL] => 3 [HOME] => /root [LOGNAME] => root [CVS_RSH] => ssh [SSH_CONNECTION] => 60882 22 [LESSOPEN] => |/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s [G_BROKEN_FILENAMES] => 1 [_] => /usr/sbin/httpd ) [PHP Variables] => Array ( [_REQUEST["p"]] => fault [_REQUEST["q"]] => CollectData [_REQUEST["_vis_opt_exp_8_exclude"]] => 1 [_REQUEST["WRUID"]] => 1195763839.1871164462 [_REQUEST["mf_user"]] => 1 [_REQUEST["_vis_opt_s"]] => 2| [_REQUEST["LanguageSelect"]] => ot/en [_REQUEST["s_rsid"]] => aa-airasia-ot-prd [_REQUEST["s_vi"]] => [CS]v1|284B9760852A0303-60000104C000B6D4[CE] [_REQUEST["__utma"]] => 250638358.1257480317.1356312755.1356312755.1356312755.1 [_REQUEST["__utmz"]] => 250638358.1356312755.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) [_REQUEST["PHPSESSID"]] => n55l3rfckd26ge7tr0h6t30au5 [_GET["p"]] => fault [_GET["q"]] => CollectData [_COOKIE["_vis_opt_exp_8_exclude"]] => 1 [_COOKIE["WRUID"]] => 1195763839.1871164462 [_COOKIE["mf_user"]] => 1 [_COOKIE["_vis_opt_s"]] => 2| [_COOKIE["LanguageSelect"]] => ot/en [_COOKIE["s_rsid"]] => aa-airasia-ot-prd [_COOKIE["s_vi"]] => [CS]v1|284B9760852A0303-60000104C000B6D4[CE] [_COOKIE["__utma"]] => 250638358.1257480317.1356312755.1356312755.1356312755.1 [_COOKIE["__utmz"]] => 250638358.1356312755.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) [_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"]] => n55l3rfckd26ge7tr0h6t30au5 [_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]] => stging-tv.airasia.com [_SERVER["HTTP_CONNECTION"]] => keep-alive [_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.97 Safari/537.11 [_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 [_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]] => http://stging-tv.airasia.com/index.php?p=fault& [_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]] => en-US,en;q=0.8 [_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"]] => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 [_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"]] => _vis_opt_exp_8_exclude=1; WRUID=1195763839.1871164462; mf_user=1; _vis_opt_s=2%7C; LanguageSelect=ot/en; s_rsid=aa-airasia-ot-prd; s_vi=[CS]v1|284B9760852A0303-60000104C000B6D4[CE]; __utma=250638358.1257480317.1356312755.1356312755.1356312755.1; __utmz=250638358.1356312755.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); PHPSESSID=n55l3rfckd26ge7tr0h6t30au5 [_SERVER["PATH"]] => /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin [_SERVER["SERVER_SIGNATURE"]] => 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