04-23 20:39 INFO root: === wubi 9.04 rev129 === 04-23 20:39 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\freder~1\locals~1\temp\wubi-9.04-rev129.log 04-23 20:39 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Frederic BLANC\\Bureau\\wubi.exe"'] 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\data 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\bin\7z.exe 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info... 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\Frederic BLANC\Bureau\wubi.exe 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\data\isolist.ini 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info... 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=xp 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Frederic BLANC 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Frederic BLANC 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=Frederic BLANC 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name= Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 91800.53125 mb free ) 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 91800.53125 mb free ) 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 27429.0546875 mb free ntfs) 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant= 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.35546875 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices 04-23 20:39 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD 04-23 20:39 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs 04-23 20:39 INFO root: Running the installer... 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__... 04-23 20:39 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init... 04-23 20:40 DEBUG WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=20000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=French, username=blanc 04-23 20:40 INFO root: Received settings 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist... 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir... 04-23 20:40 INFO WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure... 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub 04-23 20:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir... 04-23 20:40 ERROR WindowsBackend: Error executing command >>command=compact C:\ubuntu /U /A /F >>retval=1 >>stderr= D‚compression des fichiers dans C:\ ubuntu [ERR] ubuntu: le systŠme de fichiers ne prend pas la compression en charge. 0 fichiers parmi 1 r‚pertoires ont ‚t‚ d‚compress‚s. >>stdout= 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller... 04-23 20:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Documents and Settings\Frederic BLANC\Bureau\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 9.04-rev129 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout http://www.ubuntu.com 04-23 20:40 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink http://www.ubuntu.com/support 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files... 04-23 20:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation 04-23 20:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\FREDER~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot 04-23 20:40 ERROR TaskList: writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings Traceback (most recent call last): File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 196, in __call__ File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\backends\win32\backend.py", line 152, in copy_installation_files File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\backends\common\utils.py", line 257, in replace_line_in_file TypeError: writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist 04-23 20:40 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist 04-23 20:40 ERROR root: writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings Traceback (most recent call last): File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\application.py", line 55, in run File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\application.py", line 129, in select_task File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\application.py", line 155, in run_installer File "Z:\home\evan\bzr\wubi.trunk\build\wubi\files\lib\wubi\frontends\win32\frontend.py", line 137, in run_tasks TypeError: writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings