At a glance The Barbarian Micro-Brewery Lore [tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/micro-brewery_i_00.png]"Let the first one drive away the hunger, the second one put you at ease; when you have swallowed up your third one, it's time for the next shift!" widespread toast among miners General Section Purpose: The Micro-Brewery produces beer of the lower grade. This beer is a vital component of the snacks that Inns and Big Inns prepare for miners in Deep Mines. Vision range: 4 Dependencies: Input: [tribes/barbarians/well/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/water/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png] Needs water from a well. [tribes/barbarians/farm/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/wheat/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png] Needs Wheat from a farm. Output: [tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/beer/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/inn/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/beer/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/big_inn/menu.png] The Micro-Brewery's beer output will go to the Inns and Big Inns that produce the Snacks. Building: Space required: a medium plot [pics/medium.png] Build cost: 2x[tribes/barbarians/blackwood/menu.png] 3x[tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] 2x[tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] 3x[tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] Dismantle yields: [tribes/barbarians/blackwood/menu.png] 2x[tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] 2x[tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] upgradeable to: The Brewery Workers: Crew required: One Brewer [tribes/barbarians/brewer/menu.png] Tool used by workers: n/a none Worker is trainable to: [tribes/barbarians/master-brewer/menu.png] Master Brewer (19 EP) Performance Performance: If all needed wares are delivered in time, the Micro-Brewery can produce one beer in about 60s on average. In depth The Barbarian Micro-Brewery [tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/micro-brewery_i_00.png]Lore Look at the beer from the Micro-Brewery as the liquid part of the Barabarian nutrition. This is not the beverage for festive occasions, but the natural drink that would go with your daily evening meal after a long day's hard toil in a Deep Mine. Still, it drives away the shadows from underground, and the miners in the ordinary mines grouch about not getting any. General Section Purpose: The Micro-Brewery produces beer for the miners in Deep Mines. It is the place where young brewers can show their talent and gain experience for the more demanding brewing of Strongbeer. Tip! Remember to always have one or more Micro-Breweries ready to work. Each new mine that you build will at some point need to delve deeper into the mountain and must be upgraded to a Deep Mine. In that phase you must have that beer from the Micro-Breweries, because the Breweries will refuse to brew the minor grade again, once they are upgraded. Dependencies: Input: [tribes/barbarians/well/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/water/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png] Needs water from a well. The building can store eight buckets of water. [tribes/barbarians/farm/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/wheat/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png] Needs Wheat from a farm. The building can store eight sheaves of wheat. Output: [tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/beer/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/inn/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/micro-brewery/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/beer/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/big_inn/menu.png] The Micro-Brewery's beer output will go to the Inns and Big Inns that produce the Snacks for all the Deep Mines. Building: The Micro-Brewery needs a medium sized plot. To build one, you will need 2 [tribes/barbarians/blackwood/menu.png] blackwoods, 3 [tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] raw stones, 2 [tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] thatchreeds 3 [tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] trunks. Dismantling will yield: 1 [tribes/barbarians/blackwood/menu.png] blackwood, 2 [tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] raw stones, 1 [tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] thatchreed 2 [tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] trunks. Tip! Micro-Breweries need a lot of water and wheat. It is a good idea to build a well nearby for each one, and to seek the vicinity of farms. Workers: The Barbarian Micro-Brewery employs only one Brewer. He does not use any specific tool. Aside from the Micro-Brewery, Brewers can work in a Brewery as an assistant supervised by a Master Brewer. Brewers need 19 Experience points to become a Master Brewer. Performance Currently a Micro-Brewery can produce one beer in 60s on average. Since transportation and other things factor in here it is not easy to give an estimate on how many Deep Mines one Micro-Brewery can support; maybe two or three.