At a glance The Barbarian Battlearena Lore [tribes/barbarians/battlearena/battlearena_i_00.wpg] "No better friend you have in Battle than the the enemy's blow that misses."* *said to originate from Neidhardt, the famous trainer. General Section Purpose: Trains soldiers in Evade up to Level 2. "Evade" increases the soldier's chance not to be hit by the enemy and so to remain totally unaffected. Note: Barbarian soldiers cannot be trained in "Defense" and will remain at the level with which they came. Vision range: 4 Dependencies: [pics/soldier_untrained.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/battlearena/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][pics/soldier_untrained+evade.png] [pics/soldier_fulltrained-evade.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/battlearena/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][pics/soldier_fulltrained.png] For Evade Training: [tribes/barbarians/pittabread/menu.png] + [tribes/barabarians/strongbeer/menu.png] + either [tribes/barbarians/fish/menu.png] or [tribes/barbarians/meat/menu.png] Building:: Space required: a big plot [pics/big.png] Build cost: [tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] Dismantle yields: [tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] upgradeable to: n/a Workers: Crew required: Trainer[tribes/barbarians/trainer/menu.png] Tool used by worker: n/a Worker is trainable to: n/a Production: Performance: If all needed wares are delivered in time, a Battlearena can train evade for one soldier from 0 to the highest in level in 1m10s on average. In depth The Barbarian Battlearena Lore [tribes/barbarians/battlearena/battlearena_i_00.wpg] The Battlearena has long been frowned upon. In the old times, you would not evade a blow being a Barbarian Warrior, but block it to show your strength! But as battles became evermore fierce and enemies more numerous, the axes would suffer too soon, and gradually the old thinking made way for a more reasonable approach. Nowadays the evade training is accepted and the Battlearena's value widely acknowledged; partly, no doubt, because of the Strongbeer that was introduced to increase it's popularity. General Section The Battlearena is your chance to do something substantial early in the game to help your soldiers survive. It is normally built earlier and much easier maintained than the Trainingscamp, and its benefit is high. "Evade" increases the soldiers' chance not to be hit by his enemy and so to remain totally unaffected. Note that the Evade Training is a two-step process and that the second step of the evade training needs double pittabread rations. Take care that all the incoming wares are never scarce! Tip! Note that the brewery can only be built as a successor to the micro brewery. The conversion is only possible after your brewer has been promoted to a master brewer (19 Points). Make sure you have a demand for at least this number of normal beers, or your brewer will never advance. Dependencies: The only thing a barbarian BattleArena needs is an input of food and drink. It needs bread, Strongbeer and meat or fish. In that, it competes with the taverns and inns that need the same wares for catering for the mines in the form of rations, snacks and meals. [pics/soldier_untrained.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/battlearena/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][pics/soldier_untrained+evade.png] [pics/soldier_fulltrained-evade.png][pics/arrow-right.png][tribes/barbarians/battlearena/menu.png][pics/arrow-right.png][pics/soldier_fulltrained.png] Building: The BattleArena needs a large plot and it will use almost all the space that is provided. To build one, you will need: [tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] Dismantling will yield: [tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/gold/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/thatchreed/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/raw_stone/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/grout/menu.png] [tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png][/widelands/tribes/barbarians/trunk/menu.png] Tip! A Battlearena will be evacuated of all persons when awaiting dismantling. However, any wares inside are not automatically saved. First save your wares from the site, when you plan to dismantle or burn your Battlearena! It cannot be upgraded to an other building. Workers: The barbarian Battlearena needs a trainer, who is created from a carrier without the need for any tool. Trainers are also needed for any other training facility. Trainers will not gain further experience on the job. Production Tip! A Battlearena will always start training the least skilled soldier present, until all are level. Then they all are trained further, one by one in turn. This is why the output of well trained soldiers will be delayed for some time, even at maximum performance of the site. Reduce the soldier capacity and/or dismiss soldiers manually, if you need a few well trained soldiers fast! Tip! Only fully trained soldiers are dismissed automatically. They will walk into a warehouse or the Headquarters if no vacancies are found in your military buildings. Some will enter the Trainingscamp, but this trains much slower. Unused slots for Evade training will create a demand for new soldiers that will be fulfilled by the warehouses (if you have spare axes). If you want fewer new soldiers, stop the BattleArena and only open it again when you have otherwise fully trained soldiers that lack the evade training.