version of Wicd linux environment: fedora 11 Hi, I have a similar issue except I do not get the ConfigParser.ParsingError but I still continued to get the 'Could not connect to wicd's d-bus interface. Check wicd log for error message. I followed exactly the directions provided for Fedora 11 but the wicd daemon fails. Here is my wicd log file. 009/10/12 23:22:43 :: --------------------------- 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: wicd initializing... 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: --------------------------- 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: wicd is version 463 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find backend in configuration, setting default external 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting backend to external 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: trying to load backend external 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: successfully loaded backend external 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: trying to load backend external 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: successfully loaded backend external 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Automatically detected wireless interface eth1 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find wireless_interface in configuration, setting default eth1 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting wireless interface eth1 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: automatically detected wired interface eth0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find wired_interface in configuration, setting default eth0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting wired interface eth0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find wpa_driver in configuration, setting default wext 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting wpa driver wext 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find always_show_wired_interface in configuration, setting default False 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find use_global_dns in configuration, setting default False 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting use global dns to False 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find global_dns_1 in configuration, setting default None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find global_dns_2 in configuration, setting default None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find global_dns_3 in configuration, setting default None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find global_dns_dom in configuration, setting default None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find global_search_dom in configuration, setting default None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting global dns 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: global dns servers are None None None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: domain is None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: search domain is None 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find auto_reconnect in configuration, setting default True 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: setting automatically reconnect when connection drops True 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find debug_mode in configuration, setting default False 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find wired_connect_mode in configuration, setting default 1 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find signal_display_type in configuration, setting default 0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find dhcp_client in configuration, setting default 0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Setting dhcp client to 0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find link_detect_tool in configuration, setting default 0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find flush_tool in configuration, setting default 0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find sudo_app in configuration, setting default 0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: did not find prefer_wired in configuration, setting default False 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Wireless configuration file not found, creating... 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Wired configuration file not found, creating a default... 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Creating wired profile for wired-default 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: chmoding configuration files 0600... 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: chowning configuration files root:root... 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Using wireless interface...eth1 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: Using wired interface...eth0 2009/10/12 23:22:43 :: hidden For some reason it does not find the configuration files even though i executed all the restorecon [] commands. The only way I get the wicd daemon to restart is to run wicd -foe. Is there a way to fix this so I don't have to manually restart wicd every time I login?