Created attachment 139221 Attempted gdb diagnostics OLPC is moving from xulrunner to webkit. This is working great on our x86 laptops, but not on our latest ("XO-1.75") ARMv7 laptop. We are running Fedora 17 with webkitgtk-1.8.1 (GTK3). On the ARM platform, loading a javascript-heavy webpage causes a crash. Reproduced in Epiphany and OLPC's own "Browse activity" for the Sugar desktop. Reproduces very easily - loading gmail or Google Docs will cause an instant crash most of the time. Unfortunately gdb is not helpful with the crash. With all relevant debuginfo packages installed: (gdb) bt #0 0x00000024 in ?? () #1 0x49f0eaf4 in ?? () #2 0x49f0eaf4 in ?? () The crash can't be reproduced on identical configuration on x86. WebKit was built with these options: WebKit was configured with the following options: Build configuration: Enable debugging (slow) : no Compile with debug symbols (slow) : no Enable debug features (slow) : no Enable GCC build optimization : yes Code coverage support : no Unicode backend : icu Font backend : freetype Optimized memory allocator : yes Accelerated Compositing : no Features: WebGL : yes Blob support : yes DOM mutation observer support : no DeviceOrientation support : no Directory upload : no Fast Mobile Scrolling : no JIT compilation : yes Filters support : yes Geolocation support : yes JavaScript debugger/profiler support : yes Gamepad support : no MathML support : yes Media source : no Media statistics : no MHTML support : no HTML5 channel messaging support : yes HTML5 meter element support : yes HTML5 microdata support : no Page Visibility API support : no HTML5 progress element support : yes HTML5 client-side session and persistent storage support : yes SQL client-side database storage support : yes HTML5 datagrid support : no HTML5 data transfer items support : no HTML5 FileSystem API support : no Quota API support : no HTML5 sandboxed iframe support : yes HTML5 video element support : yes HTML5 track element support : no Fullscreen API support : yes Media stream support : no Icon database support : yes Image resizer support : no Link prefetch support : no Opcode stats : no Shadow DOM support : yes SharedWorkers support : yes Color input support : no Speech input support : no SVG support : yes SVG fonts support : yes Web Audio support : no Web Sockets support : yes Web Timing support : no Web Workers support : yes XSLT support : yes Spellcheck support : yes Animation API : no RequestAnimationFrame support : yes Touch Icon Loading support : no Register Protocol Handler support : no WebKit2 support : no WebKit2 plugin process : no GTK+ configuration: GTK+ version : 3.0 GDK target : x11 Hildon UI extensions : no GStreamer version : 0.10 Introspection support : yes Generate documentation : no