I think that people unhappy with these new user interfaces, should opt to try Xubuntu. I've made this decision after trying Unity and seeing that isn't an user interface that helps users be productive. It gets in the way of everybody that tries to use it. After many complaints, and discussions, I see that we must apart way from this, and don't lose our efforts to try to change this situation, because it will never be changed. For anyone seeking an (another of many that were already published) article about this situation, I've just read this from Linux Journal: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/goodbye-gnome-2-hello-gnome-2?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+linuxjournalcom+%28Linux+Journal+-+The+Original+Magazine+of+the+Linux+Community%29 Xubuntu gives users an desktop environment that resembles our Gnome 2 that we were productive and happy. I'm not against changes, but Unity, actually, don't let me find my working windows, and the bar on the left always appears when I really don't want them to appear. Since we can't customize the desktop, the only solution is to install another environment. I don't know why, but Unity everytime makes me remind the slogan "defective by design", even it being opensource and drm-free. On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 10:35 PM, Tal Liron