Calculator scope not enabled by default

Bug #1440777 reported by Sb
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Unity Calculator Scope
Unity Tweak

Bug Description

Hello, when I type "1+1" in the dash, the calculator scope should automatically show a result. However, it does not. I have to manually enable the calculator in Sources every time.

Tags: 15.04 vivid
Revision history for this message
David Callé (davidc3) wrote :

Hello and thanks for the report.

For some background, here is how your "1+1" search is normally handled by the dash.

If you have online search enabled (System Settings -> Privacy -> Search), it just works, but your query is sent to a server hosted by Canonical, which purpose is to correlate queries with scopes to make the Dash smarter:
- the dash sends "1+1" to
- the server notices the query is a calculation (or a band name, or a github project, etc)
- it sends back to the dash a list of scopes it should activate for this query
- the dash activates the calculator scope and gives you an answer

If you don't:
- The dash tries the 1+1 query on "always search" scopes (files, music, applications).
- and waits for sources to be manually enabled

That doesn't help you, but I think it's useful to have an overview of how the Dash works when interacting with it. Now, you have two ways to directly invoke the calculator scope:

1) Using a keyword: eg. "calc:1+1" or "result:1+1"

2) or adding the calculator scope to the list of "always search" scopes (using dconf-editor, you can find it in "com.canonical.Unity.Lenses").

Changed in unity-scope-calculator:
status: New → Opinion
Revision history for this message
Sb (sb56637) wrote :

Thanks for the very helpful reply!

> 2) or adding the calculator scope to the list of "always search" scopes
> (using dconf-editor, you can find it in "com.canonical.Unity.Lenses").

This is an acceptable solution, although I still feel it should be a default option, or at least a Unity Tweak Tool option.


no longer affects: ubuntu-tweak
Revision history for this message
Sb (sb56637) wrote :

Hmm, a few niggles:

First, for those who don't know, the calculator scope appears to be called 'info-calculator.scope', not 'calculator.scope'.

I seem to have to also add it to "locked-scopes" to make it usually appear.

Even so, certain random calculations return no result. As you can see in the attached screenshots, despite having added 'info-calculator.scope' to the "always-search" and "locked-scopes" it is still not shown as an activated source. Later, other calculations work fine, and then later another random calculation will fail to be detected.

Revision history for this message
Sb (sb56637) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Sb (sb56637) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Sb (sb56637) wrote :

Anybody else here able to confirm this bug? It's a very small but irritating papercut that needs to be fixed.

Revision history for this message
LeVieuxSage (rub-duarte) wrote :

I activate 'info-calculator.scope' to the "always-search" and "locked-scopes", after if I type for the second time, the dash works with the calculator.
I hope this can be usefull.

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