Activity log for bug #1429887

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2015-03-09 15:11:24 Pat McGowan bug added bug
2015-03-09 15:11:50 Pat McGowan attachment added powerd.log.3.gz
2015-03-09 15:12:03 Pat McGowan attachment added powerd.log.2.gz
2015-03-09 15:12:17 Pat McGowan attachment added unity8.log.7.gz
2015-03-09 15:12:29 Pat McGowan attachment added unity8-dash.log.7.gz
2015-03-09 15:13:00 Pat McGowan description [filing here although may be other components] Mako running 211 from rtm I experienced these symptoms which have been previously mitigated in other scenarios. Last week while traveling and roaming this happened pretty much 100% of the time. This occurred in all areas (hotel, MWC, outside, etc) Press power button, no response Press button again, screen turns on for a few seconds then turns off Press button again, either phone resumes or more often the power dialog is shown When I returned back home the function was normal without reboot or other changes. The differences in environment: Roaming on foreign GSM network Lots of Wifi APs not connected [filing here although may be other components] Mako running 211 from rtm  I experienced these symptoms which have been previously mitigated in other scenarios. Last week while traveling and roaming this happened pretty much 100% of the time. This occurred in all areas (hotel, MWC, outside, etc) Press power button, no response Press button again, screen turns on for a few seconds then turns off Press button again, either phone resumes or more often the power dialog is shown When I returned back home the function was normal without reboot or other changes. The differences in environment: Roaming on foreign GSM network Lots of Wifi APs not connected Attached are some perhaps relevant logs, unfortunately the syslog rolled.
2015-03-09 15:14:37 Pat McGowan bug task added unity8 (Ubuntu)
2015-04-16 18:32:58 Launchpad Janitor powerd (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2015-04-16 18:32:58 Launchpad Janitor unity8 (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2015-04-16 18:44:37 John McAleely bug task added canonical-devices-system-image
2015-04-16 18:56:23 Ricardo Salveti powerd (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Invalid
2015-04-16 19:40:20 kevin gunn tags pm-fail
2015-04-16 19:40:45 kevin gunn bug task added unity-system-compositor
2015-04-29 13:08:38 Michael Terry powerd (Ubuntu): status Invalid New
2015-04-29 13:08:55 Michael Terry summary Pressing power button to resume does not turn on screen Sometimes need 3 power button presses to turn on screen
2015-04-29 17:26:23 Pat McGowan canonical-devices-system-image: importance Undecided High
2015-04-29 17:26:23 Pat McGowan canonical-devices-system-image: status New Confirmed
2015-04-29 17:26:23 Pat McGowan canonical-devices-system-image: milestone ww21-2015
2015-05-04 11:04:08 Launchpad Janitor powerd (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2015-05-06 11:14:55 Markcortbass bug added subscriber Mark
2015-05-13 08:58:50 Alexander Dobetsberger bug added subscriber Alexander Dobetsberger
2015-06-10 19:00:06 Pat McGowan canonical-devices-system-image: status Confirmed Incomplete
2015-06-10 19:00:06 Pat McGowan canonical-devices-system-image: milestone ww21-2015
2015-08-25 13:09:16 Robie Basak bug added subscriber Robie Basak
2015-10-21 13:11:14 Michael Terry bug added subscriber Michael Terry
2015-10-21 13:26:23 Mitsuya Shibata bug added subscriber Mitsuya Shibata
2016-07-28 18:05:05 Richard Somlói bug added subscriber Richard Somlói