Comment 0 for bug 1170732

Revision history for this message
Paweł Stołowski (stolowski) wrote :

Lots of scopes are just returning ‘empty document’ placeholder images in the results. We need to find a image for every result. If there is not any image that can be used e.g. in the case of “noodls” scope, we will need to generate an image to use in the preview. No scopes should return an ‘empty document’ placeholder.

The list of offending scopes:
Unity Audacious Scope
Unity Chromium Bookmarks Scope
Unity Clementine Scope
Unity Colourlovers Scope
Unity Devhelp Scope
Unity Deviantart Scope
Unity Evolution Calendar Scope
Unity Firefox Bookmarks Scope
Unity Gallica Scope
Unity Github Scope
Unity Google News Scope
Unity Gourmet Scope
Unity Guayadeque Scope
Unity IMDb Scope
Unity Launchpad Scope
Unity Manpages Scope
Unity Musique Scope
Unity OpenClipArt Scope
Unity SSH search Scope
Unity Tomboy Scope
Unity VirtualBox Scope
Unity Wikipedia Scope
Unity Yahoo Stock Scope
Unity Yelp Scope
Unity Zotero Scope
Unity gMusicBrowser Scope