BTW just for you info there is no perfect solution right now. Even Tracker that "crawls your desktop" doesn't find anything that is NOT in the following folders: - Desktop - Documents - Downloads - Music - Public - Pictures Templates - Videos While this sounds good alot of files do not reside there. So currently there is no perfect solution. I am personally working on a hybrid search extension that allows you to search Tracker + Zeitgeist results. Problem here is the speed of the search in Tracker do a technical decision as well as the merge of search results. I think removing a functionality because its not working properly is a bad idea. Because it works for the default and normal users. Anyone who uses the default Ubuntu apps doesnt have problems finding his stuff since "once you touch the file" with a standard Ubuntu app it will be covered by Zeitgeist. On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 11:17 AM, vanadium