Traceback DoesNotExist: The provided Node id does not exist. Traceback (most recent call last): Module /srv/, line 1414, in get_node_by_path raise errors.DoesNotExist(self.node_dne_error) Module /srv/, line 325, in get_node_by_path remaining_path, **kwargs) Module /srv/, line 187, in decorated result = function(*args, **kwargs) Module /srv/, line 68, in decorated value = function(*args, **kwargs) Module /srv/, line 158, in get_node node = user.get_node_by_path(node_path, with_content=True) Module /srv/, line 230, in rest_upload_view node_info = helper.get_node(user, path) Module /srv/, line 25, in _wrapped_view return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) Module /srv/, line 28, in wrapper return func(request, *args, **kwargs) Module /srv/, line 32, in __dispatch return handler(request, *args, **kwargs) Module /srv/, line 100, in get_response response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) Module /srv/, line 241, in __call__ response = self.get_response(request) Module /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/, line 68, in __call__ return self.application(environ, replacement_start_response) DoesNotExist: ' The provided Node id does not exist.' == EXTRA DATA == {'log': {'records': [{'created': 1306782970.0943561, 'filename': '', 'funcName': 'handle_uncaught_exception', 'levelname': 'ERROR', 'levelno': 40, 'lineno': 47, 'message': 'WSGI Handled Exception (OOPSID 1976updownZGcBfbbfbEJCFEDIeICaBfddCDfbeJdGA9760)', 'module': 'handlers', 'msecs': 94.356060028076172, 'msg': 'WSGI Handled Exception (OOPSID 1976updownZGcBfbbfbEJCFEDIeICaBfddCDfbeJdGA9760)', 'name': 'root', 'pathname': '/srv/', 'process': 22178, 'processName': 'MainProcess', 'relativeCreated': 3210313.0259513855, 'thread': -1325421712, 'threadName': 'Dummy-18'}, {'asctime': '2011-05-30 19:16:10,127', 'created': 1306782970.1271629, 'filename': '', 'funcName': 'write_log', 'levelname': 'INFO', 'levelno': 20, 'lineno': 94, 'message': ' - - [30/May/2011:19:16:02 +0000] "PUT /content/%7E/Ubuntu%20One/Pictures-Milestone/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-" "java-restful-u1"', 'module': 'translogger', 'msecs': 127.16293334960938, 'msg': ' - - [30/May/2011:19:16:02 +0000] "PUT /content/%7E/Ubuntu%20One/Pictures-Milestone/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-" "java-restful-u1"', 'name': 'pastelogger', 'pathname': '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/paste/', 'process': 22178, 'processName': 'MainProcess', 'relativeCreated': 3210345.832824707, 'thread': -1325421712, 'threadName': 'Dummy-18'}]}, 'version': {'version': 'log 1\nmetadata 1\noops 1\nserializer 2\nstorm 1\n'}}