** Running Mono with --debug ** [DEBUG 15:25:22.566] NoteManager created with note path "/home/kobalt/.local/share/tomboy". [DEBUG 15:25:22.889] EnableDisable Called: enabling... True [DEBUG 15:25:22.900] Binding key 'F12' for '/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings/show_note_menu' [DEBUG 15:25:22.907] Binding key 'F11' for '/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings/open_start_here' [INFO 15:25:23.228] Initializing Mono.Addins [DEBUG 15:25:23.569] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:23.592] Name: Tomboy.Tomboy,0.10 [DEBUG 15:25:23.593] Description: [DEBUG 15:25:23.594] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:23.595] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:23.597] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/Tomboy.exe [DEBUG 15:25:26.172] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.WebSyncServiceAddin [DEBUG 15:25:26.173] Name: Web Sync Service Add-in [DEBUG 15:25:26.174] Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes with Tomboy Online and other compatible web services [DEBUG 15:25:26.175] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:26.176] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:26.177] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/WebSyncServiceAddin.dll [DEBUG 15:25:26.180] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.WebDavSyncServiceAddin [DEBUG 15:25:26.182] Name: WebDav Sync Service Add-in [DEBUG 15:25:26.183] Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a WebDav URL [DEBUG 15:25:26.184] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:26.185] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:26.186] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/WebDavSyncService.dll [DEBUG 15:25:26.201] Unable to locate 'gnomesu' in your PATH [DEBUG 15:25:26.203] Using '/usr/bin/gksu' as GUI 'su' tool [DEBUG 15:25:26.204] Successfully found all system tools [DEBUG 15:25:26.205] Unable to locate 'wdfs' in your PATH [DEBUG 15:25:26.208] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.FileSystemSyncServiceAddin [DEBUG 15:25:26.209] Name: Local Directory Sync Service Add-in [DEBUG 15:25:26.210] Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a local file system path [DEBUG 15:25:26.212] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:26.213] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:26.213] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/FileSystemSyncService.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.235] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.EvolutionAddin [DEBUG 15:25:27.237] Name: Evolution Mail Integration [DEBUG 15:25:27.238] Description: Allows you to drag an email from Evolution into a Tomboy note. The message subject is added as a link in the note with an envelope icon next to it. [DEBUG 15:25:27.239] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:27.240] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:27.240] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Evolution.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.268] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.PrintNotesAddin [DEBUG 15:25:27.270] Name: Printing Support [DEBUG 15:25:27.272] Description: Allows you to print a note. [DEBUG 15:25:27.273] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:27.275] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:27.276] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/PrintNotes.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.281] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.BacklinksAddin [DEBUG 15:25:27.283] Name: Backlinks [DEBUG 15:25:27.284] Description: See which notes link to the one you're currently viewing. [DEBUG 15:25:27.285] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:27.286] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:27.286] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Backlinks.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.292] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.FixedWidthAddin [DEBUG 15:25:27.294] Name: Fixed Width [DEBUG 15:25:27.294] Description: Adds fixed-width font style. [DEBUG 15:25:27.295] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:27.296] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:27.297] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/FixedWidth.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.303] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.ExportToHtmlAddin [DEBUG 15:25:27.305] Name: Export to HTML [DEBUG 15:25:27.306] Description: Exports individual notes to HTML. [DEBUG 15:25:27.307] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:27.308] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:27.309] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/ExportToHtml.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.311] AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.StickyNoteImportAddin [DEBUG 15:25:27.314] Name: Sticky Notes Importer [DEBUG 15:25:27.315] Description: Import your notes from the Sticky Notes applet. [DEBUG 15:25:27.317] Namespace: Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:27.317] Enabled: True [DEBUG 15:25:27.318] File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/StickyNoteImport.dll [DEBUG 15:25:27.321] StickyNoteImporter: Sticky Notes XML file does not exist or is invalid! [DEBUG 15:25:27.609] Unable to locate 'wdfs' in your PATH [DEBUG 15:25:28.076] Tomboy remote control active. [DEBUG 15:25:32.921] SyncThread using SyncServiceAddin: Site Web de Tomboy [DEBUG 15:25:33.014] Building web request for URL: https://one.ubuntu.com/notes//api/1.0/ [DEBUG 15:25:34.748] Building web request for URL: https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/api/1.0/user/ [ERROR 15:25:34.874] Caught exception. Message: The remote server returned an error: (404) NOT FOUND. [ERROR 15:25:34.887] Stack trace for previous exception: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult result) [0x00000] at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponseData (System.Net.WebConnectionData data) [0x00000] [ERROR 15:25:34.899] Rest of stack trace for above exception: at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.MakeWebRequest(RequestMethod method, System.String url, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 parameters, System.String postData) at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.WebRequest(RequestMethod method, System.String url, System.String postData) at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.OAuth.Get(System.String uri, IDictionary`2 queryParameters) at Tomboy.WebSync.Api.UserInfo.GetUser(System.String userUri, IWebConnection connection) at Tomboy.WebSync.WebSyncServer.BeginSyncTransaction() at Tomboy.Sync.SyncManager.SynchronizationThread() [ERROR 15:25:34.901] Synchronization failed with the following exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) NOT FOUND. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult result) [0x00000] at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponseData (System.Net.WebConnectionData data) [0x00000] [DEBUG 15:25:42.070] Quitting Tomboy. Ciao! [DEBUG 15:25:42.088] Saving unsaved notes...