After spending two days trying to solve this issue I finally found the problem and felt it important to notify the community what I found. First I thought the problem was a bug in Ubuntu one, so I took these steps: I dropped to console and did: gedit ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf files_sync_enabled=True Saved syncdaemon.conf. sudo apt-get remove ubuntuone-control-panel-qt sudo apt-get purge ubuntuone-control-panel-qt rm -R ~/.config/ubuntuone rm -R ~/.cache/ubuntuone rm -R ~/.local/share/ubuntuone sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak Used Ubuntu Tweak Janitor to clean old kernel,caches redundant files, etc. sudo reboot sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-protobuf sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel-qt Launched Ubuntu One, and yes, same problem IPCError after 20 seconds. I was angry since I spent over 2 days going through all the scenarios. Finally I thought to check Ubuntu One through the web interface, this is what I found: Launched Mozilla, logged into and thought "maybe we have a problem with one of the folders..." and since I have redundant backups I decided to remove every folder, so I began to click on the "More" tab and selected "Stop syncing this folder" to each folder, everything was going great until I got to one of my folders named "~/Downloads" - this bugger would stall when I clicked on "Stop syncing this folder" and never disappear. Finally after trying several times I triggered an error in Ubuntu One noticed a little pop-up "An error has occurred. Our engineers have been notified and we will work to fix this". Ahhh, I thought, now we are getting somewhere! So I began to select "Delete folder" inside of the main folder named "~/Downloads", this was tedious but at this point what did I have to loose, another day of time lost, why not? I noticed many times Ubuntu One web interface would stall, almost freeze but I kept diligently removing folder by folder. After 1.5 hours passed, I was down to two folders that would not delete but I kept clicking on "Delete Folder" until the system got the idea and deleted the folder. In the end I spent almost all day (again) trying to solve this issue and concluded Ubuntu One has a serious Bug with the Ubuntu One system itself, not the client. The system has a real hard time dealing with: 1. Deep files like the example below: My Storage / ~/Downloads / Zimbra / zdesktop_7_2_1_ga_b11637_linux_i686 / jetty / work / zimbra / jsp / org / apache / jsp / desktop I was not able to delete the folder "Zimbra" even though was only 400KB inside the folders at the end "desktop". I had to delete all the files in "desktop" then I was able to delete "desktop" then "jsp" then "apache" then "org" until I got to "Zimbra" then I was able to delete the folder named "Zimbra". Then I moved onto another deep folder. I was unable to delete a folder named Typo3 and when I looked inside I noticed the same issue as the above example. 1. Another deep file: My Storage / ~/Downloads / Typo3 / introductionpackage-6.0.2 / typo3 / sysext I was not able to delete the folder named "Typo3", I had to remove 36 folder inside of "sysext", the I was able to delete the folder named "sysext". Then I could delete Typo3" and finally this allowed me to "Stop syncing this folder" on "~/Downloads". After I cleared my online storage folders I did the following: sudo apt-get remove ubuntuone-control-panel-qt sudo apt-get purge ubuntuone-control-panel-qt rm -R ~/.config/ubuntuone rm -R ~/.cache/ubuntuone rm -R ~/.local/share/ubuntuone Used Ubuntu Tweak Janitor to clean old kernel,caches redundant files, etc. sudo reboot sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-protobuf sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel-qt Finally Vola! Just like that Ubuntu One works! Yes, no more IPCError! It works, really works....................yahhhhhhh. I hope this helps another end user like myself. I do not mind spending time to resolve issues as long as I take the time to share what I found to other users since you have all helped me selflessly many times. If you use Ubuntu One as your primary backup, I would recommend you install Dropbox and sync the important files and folders before taking the above steps just in case you have a crash. You know how this works, the one time you think "this is easy, no problem..." will be the time you have that unrecoverable crash. So backup before taking the above steps. I used deja-dup sending the backup to Ubuntu One prior to taking the above steps. If you need an alternate backup do: sudo apt-get install deja-dup sudo apt-get install python-cloudfiles The above will allow you to setup Deja-dup to backup to another Cloud provider while you are clearing Ubuntu One. If you have question or need more help regarding this issue, you may contact me at