I have the same bug on 10.10 After a reboot the u1 service don't start and I have to start it manually Some log before manual connection ==> syncdaemon.log <== 2010-12-02 07:32:46,870 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.fsm - INFO - loading updated metadata 2010-12-02 07:33:23,649 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.fsm - INFO - initialized: idx_path: 1367, idx_node_id: 1367, shares: 2 2010-12-02 07:33:23,650 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.GeneralINotProc - INFO - Ignoring files: ['\\A#.*\\Z', '\\A.*~\\Z', '\\A.*\\.py[oc]\\Z', '\\A.*\\.sw[nopx]\\Z', '\\A.*\\.swpx\\Z', '\\A\\..*\\.tmp\\Z'] 2010-12-02 07:33:23,653 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.HQ - INFO - HashQueue: _hasher started 2010-12-02 07:33:24,656 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - INFO - DBusInterface initialized. 2010-12-02 07:33:24,657 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - INFO - Using '/home/giovanni/Ubuntu One' as root dir 2010-12-02 07:33:24,657 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - INFO - Using '/home/giovanni/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon' as data dir 2010-12-02 07:33:24,657 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - INFO - Using '/home/giovanni/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares' as shares root dir 2010-12-02 07:33:24,657 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=1 miss=1367) ---- 2010-12-02 07:33:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - Local rescan starting... 2010-12-02 07:33:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.local_rescan - INFO - start scan all volumes 2010-12-02 07:33:24,688 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.local_rescan - INFO - processing trash 2010-12-02 07:33:24,752 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.local_rescan - INFO - processing move limbo 2010-12-02 07:33:27,209 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - Local rescan finished! 2010-12-02 07:33:27,210 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - INFO - hash queue empty. We are ready! 2010-12-02 07:35:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4104 miss=1367) ---- 2010-12-02 07:37:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4104 miss=1367) ---- Last line repeat each 2 minutes. A ps confirm that the syncdeamon is running giovanni@whaleshark:log$ ps axf | grep ubuntuone 2098 ? Sl 0:04 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon After that if I launch #ubuntuone-launch everything works fine 2010-12-02 07:39:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4104 miss=1367) ---- 2010-12-02 07:41:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4104 miss=1367) ---- >>>> #ubuntuone-launch command now <<<<< 2010-12-02 07:42:22,190 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - INFO - u'CredentialsFound': callbacking with credentials (token_name: None). 2010-12-02 07:42:22,190 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - INFO - connect: credential request was successful, pushing SYS_USER_CONNECT. 2010-12-02 07:42:22,308 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - Connection started to host fs-1.one.ubuntu.com, port 443. 2010-12-02 07:42:22,564 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - Connection made. 2010-12-02 07:42:22,564 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.StorageClient - INFO - Connection made. 2010-12-02 07:42:23,092 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'protocol_version' finished OK. 2010-12-02 07:42:23,261 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'caps_raising_if_not_accepted' finished OK. 2010-12-02 07:42:23,431 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'caps_raising_if_not_accepted' finished OK. 2010-12-02 07:42:24,411 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'oauth_authenticate' finished OK. 2010-12-02 07:42:24,417 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - NOTE - Session ID: 'dc9787ba-718a-4de0-b059-2180b0b65c74' 2010-12-02 07:42:26,148 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - The request 'list_volumes' finished OK. 2010-12-02 07:43:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4107 miss=1367) ---- 2010-12-02 07:45:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4107 miss=1367) ---- 2010-12-02 07:47:24,658 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: ; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=4107 miss=1367) ---- Other logs (syncdaemon-exceptions.log and u1-prefs.log) don't have information. How can I help more to fix this issue? Can someone please let me know how I can enable the DEBUG mode to have more info on what's happening? Tks a lot Giovanni