The error seems to be udpmap-sys is not found: 0 root@waseem-desktop:/tmp#more updmap.K5mR0Nsi warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-texlive/web2c:/usr/local/share/tex mf/web2c. warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /usr/share/texmf/web2c:/usr/share/texmf-texlive/web2c:/usr/local/share/tex mf/web2c. /usr/bin/updmap: 1096: .: Can't open /usr/share/tex-common/debianize-updmap =================================================================================== 0 root@waseem-desktop:~#locate debianize-updmap /usr/share/tex-common/debianize-updmap root@waseem-desktop:~#ls -l /usr/share/tex-common/ total 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 283 Jun 15 2013 mktex.cnf 0 root@waseem-desktop:~# ==================================================================================== On precise, pre-upgrade, this file belonged to texlive-binaries, not tex-common: 0 root@muizenberg:/usr/bin#dpkg -S /usr/bin/updmap texlive-binaries: /usr/bin/updmap 0 root@muizenberg:/usr/bin#dpkg -S /usr/bin/updmap-sys texlive-binaries: /usr/bin/updmap-sys 0 root@muizenberg:/usr/bin# On a trusty, post upgrade, this file belongs to texlive-base, not tex-common: 0 jan@hilaire-desktop:~$dpkg -S /usr/bin/updmap texlive-base: /usr/bin/updmap Possibly the file is missing during the upgrade as texlive-binaries has just been removed in the upgrade. ================================================================================= From tex-common postinst: This looks OK if which updmap-sys >/dev/null; then # we also have to check that texlive-base is installed # and configured, otherwise we cannot be sure that # all necessary basic files are present # # dpkg-query has two defects wrt not existing packages # - it is noisy to stderr # - it returns 1 # so shut both errors up stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' texlive-base 2>/dev/null || true) case "$stat" in "install ok installed") do_it=1 ;; *) do_it=0 ;; esac if [ "$do_it" = 0 ] ; then echo "texlive-base is not ready, delaying updmap-sys call" >&2 else but is maybe failing??? Perhaps the OLD texlive-base without updmap-sys is still installed OK, but the OLD texlive-binaries containing updmap-sys is already removed??? Though I would have thought the earlier conditional "if which updmap-sys" would have exited already if updmap-sys was already removed. On a related note: This does not look OK, is it checking for texlive-base or for context?? Does this stanza perhaps also trigger updmap? run_mtxrun_if_possible() { # code from postinst-tex if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then if which mtxrun >/dev/null; then # we also have to check that texlive-base is installed # and configured, otherwise we cannot be sure that # all necessary basic files are present # # dpkg-query has two defects wrt not existing packages # - it is noisy to stderr # - it returns 1 # so shut both errors up stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' context 2>/dev/null || true) case "$stat" in "install ok installed") do_it=1 ;; *) do_it=0 ;; esac if [ "$do_it" = 1 ] ; then tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp mtxrun.XXXXXXXX)