Comment 18 for bug 1535349

Revision history for this message
Dave Chiluk (chiluk) wrote :

There are failing autopackage tests on these two packages. the test failures are either timeouts while recompiling the kernel

  CC [M] drivers/gpu/drm/cirrus/cirrus_fbdev.o
adt-run [23:07:42]: ERROR: timed out on command "su -s /bin/bash ubuntu -c set -e; export USER=`id -nu`; . /etc/profile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; . ~/.profile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; buildtree="/data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/build.QBN/linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0"; mkdir -p -m 1777 -- "/data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/rebuild-artifacts"; export ADT_ARTIFACTS="/data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/rebuild-artifacts"; export ADTTMP=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir adttmp.XXXXXX); export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^0$/1/'); unset LANGUAGE LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_ALL;rm -f /tmp/adt_test_script_pid; set -C; echo $$ > /tmp/adt_test_script_pid; set +C; trap "rm -rf $ADTTMP /tmp/adt_test_script_pid" EXIT INT QUIT PIPE; chmod 755 $ADTTMP; cd "$buildtree"; export 'ADT_TEST_TRIGGERS=coreutils/8.21-1ubuntu5.4'; chmod +x /data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/build.QBN/linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0/debian/tests/rebuild; touch /data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/rebuild-stdout /data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/rebuild-stderr; /data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/build.QBN/linux-lts-vivid-3.19.0/debian/tests/rebuild 2> >(tee -a /data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/rebuild-stderr >&2) > >(tee -a /data/adttmp/adt-virt-lxc.shared.w4v95wh5/downtmp/rebuild-stdout); " (kind: test)
adt-run [23:07:42]: test rebuild: -----------------------]
adt-run [23:07:43]: test rebuild: - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -
rebuild FAIL timed out
adt-run [23:07:43]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
ubuntu-regression-suite SKIP Test requires machine-level isolation but testbed does not provide that
rebuild FAIL timed out

Or Fails on checking the kernel version string.

adt-run [23:06:55]: test ubuntu-regression-suite: [-----------------------
Source Package Version: 3.19.0-54.60~14.04.1
Running Kernel Version: 3.13.0-82.126
ERROR: running version does not match source package
adt-run [23:06:56]: test ubuntu-regression-suite: -----------------------]
adt-run [23:06:56]: test ubuntu-regression-suite: - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -
ubuntu-regression-suite FAIL non-zero exit status 1
adt-run [23:06:56]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ summary
rebuild FAIL timed out
ubuntu-regression-suite FAIL non-zero exit status 1
Exit request sent.

Both appear to be issues with the testcases, and not issues with the changes to this package.