Binary package “libconfig-inifiles-perl” in ubuntu plucky
read .ini-style configuration files
Config::IniFiles provides a way to have readable configuration files
outside your Perl script. Configurations can be imported (inherited,
stacked, ...), sections can be grouped, and settings can be accessed
from a tied hash.
Source package
Published versions
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in amd64 (Release)
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in arm64 (Release)
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in armhf (Release)
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in i386 (Release)
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in ppc64el (Release)
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in riscv64 (Release)
- libconfig-inifiles-perl 3.000003-3 in s390x (Release)