Binary package “libreins-ocaml-dev” in ubuntu oracular

data structure library for OCaml

 The OCaml Reins data structure library consists of the following
 persistent implementations:
  * Lists (singly, O(1) catenable, Acyclic doubly linked,
           random access)
  * Sets/Maps (AVL, Red/Black, Patricia, Splay)
  * Heaps (Binomial, Skew-Binomial)
 All of the implementations conform to a unified signature for each
 data type. Also, each data types include zipper style cursor
 interfaces and persistent, bi-directional cursor based iterators.
 The library also includes a set of standard modules to hoist the base
 typs into the module level (Int, Bool, etc...) as well as a
 collection of functor combinators to minimize boilerplate (e.g., for
 constructing compare or to_string functions). Finally, a
 quickcheck-like random testing framework is included and each data
 type supports the necessary "gen" function to generate a random
 instance of the type.