Cjcolla - with over 1000 wakeups per second, I would not think there is much chance of the processor entering a sleep state at all. It looks to me like all of the wakeups are from your usb devices, were you doing much with the mouse or anything like that while taking the snapshot? Earlier in the thread is a link for kernel patched to fix the kernel wakeup timer wrapping issue, on my laptop it doesn't seem to change the maximum power draw in powertop, but when wakeup events are triggered, the power draw doesn't seem to spike as bad. With desktop effects on and I am running unity with the proprietary nvidia driver, I idle at about 21-22 watts and about 100 wakeups per second. With gnome (no effects). That drops to around 20 watts. Nouveau will kick it up to 26 watts at idle. With the lucid kernel running on natty, I get idle down to about 18 - 19 watts and the nvidia driver. 24 watts with nouveau. You might want to check into installing laptop-mode-tools and verifying you have cpufrequtils installed. My friend's eepc 1015 was upgraded to natty, and did not get those installed by default, I added and enabled those and installed the proprietary fglrx driver to drop him down from 16 watts to about 9 at idle with unity running full effects. I was running conky configured with conky-colors (mentioned at webupd8) and found that the 1 second polling was eating up a lot of power. Top wakeups were from the window manager and the kernel load balancing process. Killing conky dropped both of those down again. I changed conky to only poll every 5 seconds, now the draw isn't too bad, maybe 1-2 watts additional. On 6/9/11, cjcolella