Hi Bill, I found something similar(?) hal:///org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_67b_2305_noserial_if0_printer_noserial BUT this works for me and leaves a ID Name of Laserjet_4 BUT no way is the URI the same...I could not fined that length of URI anywhere ... The printer works; is all I'm interested in now, how to help others is a guess at best, I have not seen the issues you have in dropping when rebooting, and till I replaced the Cable, I could not find the printer at all; how do you address that issue? One other thing is We Both have a Laserjet 4 shouldn't the URI be the same or very similar, for the same product? OR if it is JUST the Cable we should be the same also...duh...Or am I not seeing something? In either case we are forcing the LINUX to pass the identifier for the printer to be recognized. (just like the issue in Windows I needed to select USB then windows could find the printer)... I have been printing yesterday and today the Laptop has been turned on and off everything works. I other thing when I sent your the WubI Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron web site...DO it before you unload your windows. I just install it to my other IBM laptop R51. It installs and leaves a choice to your BOOT ID (you pick windows or Ubuntu at boot. BUT the big thing is it acts as complete installation and creates a vurital disk does NOT affect your Hard disk at all, and leaves Ubuntu name in the Control panel ADD and REMOVE files. NOW being installed it finds and accepts your total system, printer, laptop keys and lights your eithernet and or your wireless, video card, any USB stuff you have. SO you know even before the offical installating where any issues are THAT IS COOL...IF you have a 3d Nvida or ATI card you will see the WOW gnome package, also... Good luck with the Launch Pad effort, how you handle that is (?) but try anyway, I guess. Then load the program to check your system with Hardy Heron. Be aware it has only one site in the USA so a little slow, maybe wait till tonight to try...I have Warner Cable pretty good in the 500mbs download range. Your friend from NC. george On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 4:37 PM, dracon