Error: command ['systemctl', 'status', '--full', 'fstrim.service'] failed with exit code 3: ● fstrim.service - Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.service; static; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2021-03-22 00:00:39 CET; 15h ago TriggeredBy: ● fstrim.timer Docs: man:fstrim(8) Process: 12115 ExecStart=/sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose --quiet (code=exited, status=64) Main PID: 12115 (code=exited, status=64) mar 22 00:00:06 jakmandolino systemd[1]: Starting Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab... mar 22 00:00:23 jakmandolino fstrim[12115]: fstrim: /boot/efi: FITRIM ioctl failed: Input/output error mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino fstrim[12115]: /var: 23,7 GiB (25378697216 bytes) trimmed on /dev/mapper/VG_NVMe-var mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino fstrim[12115]: /usr/local: 7,8 GiB (8388665344 bytes) trimmed on /dev/mapper/VG_NVMe-local mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino fstrim[12115]: /opt: 11,7 GiB (12570169344 bytes) trimmed on /dev/mapper/VG_NVMe-opt mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino fstrim[12115]: /: 20 GiB (21410373632 bytes) trimmed on /dev/mapper/VG_NVMe-root mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=64/USAGE mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. mar 22 00:00:39 jakmandolino systemd[1]: Failed to start Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab.